How to Make Your Boyfriend Feel Sexy – Seductive Ways to Make Him Feel Like an Adonis!

How to Make Your Boyfriend Feel Sexy – Seductive Ways to Make Him Feel Like an Adonis!

There are times when it is obvious that your boyfriend is feeling a little low and unattractive. He does not want to go out anymore and seems listless and lethargic. This can be dangerous and can put a damper on the relationship. Here are some exciting tips that will help boost your boyfriend’s ego and make him feel sexy and attractive!

Pamper and spoil him a bit

Maybe you have been too busy with yourself and have neglected your boyfriend. This could have led to him thinking that he is not attractive enough. Feeling insecure and negative will lead to unhappiness and despair. Pamper him and spoil him so that he begins to feel loved and special. Slowly make him confident of his sexuality.

Compliment him in such a way that he feels really hot

A man is as turned on and motivated by compliments and praise as a woman. It could be that you have failed in this area and have ignored his needs to feels accepted and appreciated. It is important to compliment and praise him in such a way that he begins to feel sexy and hot!

Don’t compare him with others

The worst thing you could do is compare him with another guy! He will automatically feel intimidated and think that you don’t like him anymore. He could start to feel like he was not good enough and this may make him lose interest in sex or even the whole relationship in general. If you make comparisons – tell him he’s way better than the other guys!

Let him know that you are as much in love as ever

If he has doubts about your feelings for him, it may make him insecure about himself. If he begins to think that he is not sexy enough or good enough for you then he might go into a shell. All you have to do is praise his sexual prowess and show him through your words and actions that you think that he is extremely sexy and attractive and he will feel really good.

Do the whole romance thing from the start

Sometimes it is necessary to woo and romance your boyfriend all over again. Make him feel sexy and good by sending him little love notes, kissing and caressing him and even making a play for him in public!

Look sexy and inviting

If you look good enough to eat and sexy to boot – he will automatically rise to the occasion and feel sexy too! Add some new Victoria’s Secret lingerie to your wardrobe and excite him. Dress in gorgeous, elegant yet sexy clothes that will make him want to take you home!

Help him along!

Don’t make him despair and lose interest in the relationship by sitting in the sidelines and making him do everything. If you can see him waning and losing confidence – repair the situation by doing something about it. Exert some sexual energy and make him excited about you. This will make him feel sexy and happy too!