Why the Dallas Cowboys Are the Best Team in the NFL

Why the Dallas Cowboys Are the Best Team in the NFL

Okay before I get the typical questions, “Did you grow up in Texas, or are you from Texas?” I am not from Texas. I am from the good ole state of Virginia. Most people assume that I should be a Redskins fan or a Giants or Ravens fan, but I surely did not take that route or I wouldn’t be talking about the Cowboys being the best team. I wasn’t always a Cowboys fan to start off; I was actually a Rams fan back when Marshall Faulk was in his prime. It didn’t take long for me to realize that the Rams weren’t my true fit. So I went on the free agent fan list and started to do research on teams and I started with “Americas Team” the Dallas Cowboys because my father was a fan. After my research about the team and the players I knew that this team had more to offer than just american football.

The whole upbringing of the team was just fascinating. Yeah I know that people can argue that they were only really good in their dynasty years, but a winning record to me is only the beginning to becoming the best team. What made me so hooked on the team was how they ran their franchise. I noticed that the Dallas Cowboys weren’t just set on winning. Yeah of course in interviews they would say, “Our focus is winning”, but it’s not. They are all about giving the fans a show to remember. I have come to believe that the Cowboys are all about entertainment and keeping the fans entertained and happy. To put it all in a nut shell they ran their team like a fortune 500 company. Fortune 500 companies come are so successful not through just profit but through service they give their customers. For the Cowboy’s their service is making sure there games are entertaining and exciting. I mean why else would the Cowboys pick up the most entertaining players. Fans have been receiving entertainment since the 90’s with Emmitt Smith, Ken Norton Jr. and let’s not forget Michael Irving. Looking back, players like Michael Irving brought life and fun and enjoyment to the sport. Now don’t get me wrong there were plenty of players in the league that brought entertainment and excitement, but I am sure there wasn’t a team that brought as much entertainment as much as the Cowboys. Even looking back in 06′, the Cowboys picked up one of the top rowdiest player in the league Terrell Owen’s. Now he brought entertainment to every game, throwing popcorn and celebrating any time he touched the ball, and let’s not forget Dez Bryant “throw up the X” there isn’t a game where this guy is drawing attention to himself whether its positive or negative attention. Really that’s what the fans want. Fans in my eyes don’t want to just see a win, they want to see an exciting win and even if their team losses I would bet my last dollar that an entertaining fight with a loss would be way more satisfying than just a loss without any show time entertainment.

The most important reason why I truly believe that the Cowboys are the Best team in the NFL is because they put their fans first. They make sure that their fans are comfortable and satisfied. Why else would they build a stadium to fit 80,000 people or build the biggest Jumbotron the world has ever seen if they weren’t putting the fans first? It’s also a smart business move as well because now they can rent the stadium out for other events to bring in revenue during the off-season. The Cowboys take the time to find out the needs and wants of the fans and they try to full fill them. The cowboys are starting to drift away from the other Franchises. Putting in a Cowboy’s museum in the stadium so that people or fans who don’t know much about the team can get a feel for where and how the Dallas Cowboys became such a great was brilliant. I’m sure fan or not would take a tour of that museum if they went to a game. The Cowboy’s even put in a Pink Victoria Secret store for the Pink loving fans so they can get the exclusive Cowboy’s pink apparel. To wrap it up it’s not about the record that makes a team the best in the league it’s the value of the team and putting their fans and business first.