Hip Hop Promotion Tips: The Best Way to Get Noticed In a Major Way

Hip Hop Promotion Tips: The Best Way to Get Noticed In a Major Way

Hip hop promotion is a subject that many believe is a task that they must spend lots of money on in order to sell albums. In this article I will show you the correct way of thinking about hip hop promotion that will get you results. I will also provide you with insight about your product that will help you understand yourself as an artist and what you should be doing to take it to the next level.

I’m one of those artist that started out selling my music from the trunk like most artist that are now in the industry. I sold my music direct for many years before taking it to the next level. I’ve found that going to the next level all begins with your thinking. If you really want to promote your hip hop or any other genre, you need to start thinking in terms of a business. A business makes a marketing plan, studies their audience and reaches them in the most preferred way. Chances are if you are planning to be a national artist then your competition is really other national artist. You need to get a video, posters and other promotion in your area where your audience is concerned. Learn how to compete. Whatever your competition has, you’ll need that at least to compete.

Here’s a little something to think about. A major record label may have more money than you but your advantage is that you have an ability to give a presence to the area you live in that they may be ignoring and only penetrating on a national level with radio and video play. You may not see any posters or flyers so you can simply add these tools in order to increase the awareness of your music.

Did you know that you can get a commercial done and place it in local television cable ads. Yes you can be on BET or MTV simply by calling your local cable provider. Put your music in stores and sell as many as you can on your own, pretty soon major labels will be calling you.

You can also advertise on the radio and host an event to showcase your music. There are tons of things you can do to get yourself out there but it starts with your thinking. Google advertising is another clever way to get in front of the masses. I once paid only around $200 to Google and branded my name and company to over 250,000 internet hip hop heads in Houston Tx. That’s advertising that’s hard to beat. I believe the main thing you need to think about is how can I reach my customers then how can I get them to take action to buy my products. I think of all the tools I have as an employee. You can do it, it just takes determination and correct perspectives.