Are You In the Network Marketing NFL?

Are You In the Network Marketing NFL?

It is kind of a joke when people say they are in the network marketing NFL but it really doesn’t feel funny if it is you. NFL stands for no friends left.

If you feel like you are in the network marketing NFL then you know the only place you can go is to the cold market. You need to find that you don’t people that are looking for an opportunity. You need fresh blood!

Many people have trouble generating leads and that is especially true when you are talking about high-quality leads. Once you get the hang of it, it’s not too hard to get leads and you’ll have more people to talk to than you can handle but it is a matter of belief at first.

If you don’t believe you are going to get any leads then you don’t put in the action to get the leads. Here are a few ideas that can get you started on the path to more leads in case you are not enjoying the NFL.

Use Social Media

Social media is a gold mine of people to talk to. You can find all kinds of positive people on motivational fan pages, Facebook groups. There is a plentiful array of people no matter what your target market is. Find as many people as you want on social media through liking or commenting on people’s posts. You’re supposed to be social after all, it is social media.

Always Have a Capture Page

The biggest “oops” I see with people is sending people to their offer page without a capture page. They have no idea who has seen the information or if anyone is even clicking the link. When you have a capture page you are able to capture the people’s information so you can then remarket to them in the future.

Just do these two things and you will find yourself being just fine hanging out in the NFL.