How to Tell If a Woman Thinks You’re Sexy – Stop! Scintillating Signs She Thinks You’re Very Hot

How to Tell If a Woman Thinks You’re Sexy – Stop! Scintillating Signs She Thinks You’re Very Hot

OK, guys…….Who else wants to know if a woman finds you sexy? If you haven’t noticed, women are FAR more complex when it comes to showing how turned on they are by a man, and often keep the sexy, subtle signs that they want to get to know a man better well under wrap and key, right? It’s true……while women may TRY to keep those subtle signs hidden well beneath the surface, in truth…..her body language and seductive positioning almost always reveals far more than she’s really ready to let on.

So what are the signs that a woman has got YOU all over her mind….and may want you everywhere else as well? Great question! And there are literally about 14 different signs that she finds you sexually attractive that we’ve identified, many of them NOT so easy to spot, either. Let’s take a quick look at 2 simple ones below, and see if anyone you’ve got your eye on these days…..also has her eye on you.

Seductive Sign #1: A Slight But Noticeable Parting of the Thighs in Conversation

This is a surefire sign she wants to get to know you MUCH better…and has been proven over and over again. Simply stated, a woman will point her hips in an outward direction, often very subtly (occasionally very suggestively) in a subconscious display of sexual attraction. some people believe this is unconscious conditioning, others just think she’s turned on and can’t help herself..:-) Either way, it’s a surefire sign you need to keep the conversation burning, and then some!

Seductive Sign #2: She Can’t Keep Eye Contact When You are Alone

Yes, this is a big one, and it’s often a difficult one to read as well. Why? Well, occasionally in a crowd a woman will be very forward, direct and be able to keep her eyes on you without issue. But as soon as you get her alone? She looks down….looks up, looks to the right or left or simply just shifts uncomfortably when you fix your concentration in her direction. Again, depending on who you ask (or which school of seduction you buy into) this may have it’s rationale in any number of reasons. The important one to you? She digs you…and you need to move in strong!