Mexico City Is An Amazing Destination

Mexico City Is An Amazing Destination

When the situation became violent in Mexico, a lot of the tourists decided to stay home or visit other destinations. That is a shame because Mexico City is still a great travel destination in which tourists are usually safe. Most of the violence which the country is experiencing is not taking place anywhere near Mexico City and the areas mostly visited by tourists are watched by the authorities which means they are as safe as it gets. The sights of Mexico City are still there and if you have never been to the city, this is as good a time to visit. The city will welcome you whether you are looking for nightlife or for cultural events. The city also gives you great choices for eating, drinking and lodging.

Party Hardy

Zona Rosa is one of the liveliest areas in Mexico City. You can find a lot of bars and entertainment venues as well as some of the best restaurants in the city. Zona Rosa is perfect for the younger crowds as it is a place where you will find a lot of clubs and karaoke bars. The area is also one of the most frequented by the LGBT community so everyone is welcomed. The area is very safe and there are plenty of hotels that range from mid-range to some of the best that you could stay in. The conversion rate is great right now, so no matter what you choose to do you will find that you are not spending as much money as you may think.


Culture is one of the main reasons people choose to visit Mexico City. You will be able to find some of the best museums in the world with artifacts from the Aztec and Mayan cultures as well as others from around the world. You can also find some of the most famous works of art, especially those of Frida Kahlo. If that was not enough then head to Zocalo. There you will find not only great colonial architecture, but also Mayan ruins right in the middle of the city. El Templo Mayor is a very important Mayan temple found right in the middle of the city of Mexico. Make sure not to miss the Museo de Antropologia.


While the Italian and French cuisine get all the world’s attention, those who try real Mexican food will quickly reach for a taco or a quesadilla before they go for spaghetti. The food that you will find in Mexico City is spicy and tasty. While a lot of people will tell you to stay away from street food, if you have a decent digestive system you will not have any problem enjoying it. There are restaurants that will give you access to pre-Hispanic food. Needless to say that is for the most adventurous travelers. The one thing that needs to be said however is that if you are a vegetarian you may have a bit of a hard time finding food that adheres to your diet.