On a Costa Rica Birding Vacation You Can See Over 800 Species in Their Natural Habitat

On a Costa Rica Birding Vacation You Can See Over 800 Species in Their Natural Habitat

Bird watching in Costa Rica is considered to be the birdwatcher’s dream. There are over 800 species of fine feathered friends which can be observed in their natural habitat spanning from sea level to the mountaintops. Species range from quetzals to hummingbirds. With abundant areas protected and dedicated to national parks and reserves, Costa Rica offers birding in natural and undisturbed settings.

The secret to the tremendous bird varieties is that the country has such a varied habitat. There are beaches, swamps, rivers, rainforests and cloud forests. For example, the resplendent quetzal resides in the cloud forests of the Monteverde los Santos region, while a scarlet macaw can be seen on the Osa Peninsula. In addition, Costa Rica is a migration destination for orioles, varbles and flycatchers.

Exciting guided tours and itineraries take you to wonderful locations where you are can enjoy the best of birding and nature. Some of the lodges listed below will provide you with some great birding experiences.

1.Ecolodge San Luis and Biological Station which borders the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve in the San Luis Valley in the northwest part of the country provides world-class birdwatching with knowledgeable and expert guides. With over 200 species of birds and diverse wildlife including ocelots and monkeys, this bio-diverse research and educational facility has something for everyone. Guests can partake in walking tours, guided tours, horseback riding and night hikes to experience birding in a natural setting.

2. Mawamba Lodge is located on a sand bar between the Tortuguero Lagoon and the Caribbean Sea in Tortuguero National Park. There are over 300 species of birds including manakins, green macaws, herons and hummingbirds as well as green sea turtles which emerge from the ocean to lay their eggs.

3. Rincon de la Vieja Mountain Lodge is home to over 200 species of birds that can be observed by horseback for a unique adventure experience.

4. Rara Avis Rain Forest Lodge and Reserve is home to over 240 species of birds, including umbrella-birds, green macaws, toucans and parrots. Rara Avis was developed to show that the rainforest is economically productive and is a remote virgin jungle. This experience should not be missed as in addition to a large variety of bird species, this area is also home to anteaters, coatimundis and monkeys. This is a remote area which has remained pristine because of its inaccessibility.

Travel to Costa Rica for a once in a lifetime birding vacation with species and surroundings that can be compared to few other locations in the world – it’s a tropical paradise for its visitors and inhabitants, fair feathered or not!