Hip Hop Dance – Not Only a Dance But Also Reveals the Suffering of Normal People

Hip Hop Dance – Not Only a Dance But Also Reveals the Suffering of Normal People

Hip hop dance is a free style dance that everyone loves to watch it. It originates in the South Bronx, New York more than 40 years ago. It’s involved with several cultures like jazz, rock, tap, American and Latino cultures. The far-reaching cultural movement has brought more people together. Earlier blacks were criticized everywhere and thus the brave, new art form was originated that speaks more about black’s poverty.

The cool moves and quick spans have entertained many and thus there’s an amazing growth from its roots. The central styles of street dance can be classified as popping, breaking, locking, jazz-funk, turfing, krumping, lyrical hip-hop, toprock, uprock, roboting, boogaloo, tutting, gliding, waving, liquid, strobing, animation, break dancing and more.

Some of them are listed below.


“Floating” is one of the energetic forms of dancing; means you’re dancing in the air and there will be no connection between your shoes and the floor. You can easily grab the attention of the audience.


Popping is entirely different from all the others. The whole body is twitched and pulled backwards. It became popular around the world only after the “King of pop” Michael Jackson’s performance. Moon walk was introduced by him that was influenced by the modern breakers.


This funk dance was popularized by only after a famous American dancer and choreographer Campbellock. The locking dance has a sudden pause and freezes in a certain position. The most popular movements are Scoo B Doo, Muscleman, Floor Sweep, Funky Guitar and more.


Krumping is a perfect dancing style for competition with other crews. You should be expressive, energetic and able to do fast movements involving jabs, arm swings, chest pops, and stomps. It’s also known as clowning.

Reveal awareness about the most complexities of daily life

Hip hop dance is also called as street dance that always takes place in unconventional areas. They used to play the crowded areas like streets, dance parties, block parties, parks, school yards, raves, nightclubs, community area etc. Through dance or graffiti art the hip hop dancers give awareness and predict what’s actually going to happen across the world or the inner cities. Although, they entertain all of them, just giving awareness about the future makes people to think twice. You may also know more about hip hop dancing from the movie “Step UP”. All the series in the step up movie is about club dancing and variety of dance styles that also reveal human suffering and complexities of daily life. This inspirational dance always tends to create a new identity, social structure and make statements on love, poverty, even on corruption.