How Do I Choose a Costa Rica Tour Operator

How Do I Choose a Costa Rica Tour Operator

So, you’ve finally worked up the nerve to purchase a Costa Rica vacation package over the Internet. You’ve searched the web diligently looking for just the right itinerary and hotels. Along the way you’ve encountered a large variety of companies offering everything from white water rafting and sport fishing to yoga in the treetops! How do you sort through all the available options and choose an established company that is both safe and reliable? With this plethora of options available it’s no wonder that some people would rather head to their backyard and watch the grass grow.

A typical problem regarding the Internet is the vast amount of information available. The potential for consumers to be misled by inaccurate or deceptive information is therefore greater. In order to assist would-be travelers in identifying important elements found on a reliable tour operator’s website, I have put together the following guidelines:

o General company information

Go to the company’s ‘About Us’ link to find details on ownership, possible partners and sponsors, physical location and address, as well as the company’s history, philosophy and goals. Any tour operator worth its salt should provide a link to this information.

o Properly licensed by the Costa Rican Institute of Tourism

A reputable Costa Rican tour operator will by necessity possess a valid license issued by the Costa Rican Institute of Tourism.

o Contact names and numbers

Is contact information, such as names, email addresses and phone numbers, provided on the site? If not, think twice or even three times before booking a tour with these guys.

o Copyright text and photos

Many “here today, gone tomorrow” outfits will more likely than not copy their text and pictures from other sources, as they do not possess the human resources to create their own content. A company with an in-house team of writers and designers, paying overhead and employee insurance, is much more likely to be serious about what it does, than a one-man operation with a computer in his living room.

o Website privacy statement

If a privacy statement exists, read the statement. How is the information collected? Does the site ensure that any personal information will be held confidentially?

o Cancellation policies

A clearly defined cancellation policy is a good indicator that you are dealing with an established company.

o Professional and consistent web design

Although this is by no means always true, most serious companies will tend to have a website that is both professional and consistent in its design. Look for ease of use and a clearly defined navigation scheme.

o A guest comments page

Is there a mechanism in place where visitors may provide feedback to site owners?

o Lots of detailed and well researched information

Check the quality of information given, such as how up to date and comprehensive it is, the authority of people providing the information and no exaggerated or misleading claims. A good command of the English language, including grammar and style, is a good indicator that a company cares about its visitors and is willing to go the extra mile to do things right.

While not possessing all of the above does not necessarily mean you’re dealing with a rotten apple, a site that’s missing more than two or three of these elements should signal a red flag. Remember, what a website does not say is just as important as what it does say; you have to learn to read between the lines. Use the above guidelines and a little common sense to assure yourself that you are dealing with a real “brick and mortar ” operation, and not just a virtual “company” with a P.O. Box and some travel broker looking for his next commission.