How to Send a Spicy Hot, Sexy, Text Message to Drive a Guy Wild

How to Send a Spicy Hot, Sexy, Text Message to Drive a Guy Wild

Sending a spicy hot sexy text to a man is a lot easier than at first glance. You need to have certain features in your text if you are going to grab his attention for a moment. The most things that you need to know are that men are simple and it doesn’t take a lot to get them turned on or interested. This is mainly due to the magnetism that they have when it comes to women. Some things that you need to have in your text messages if you are going to drive a guy wild are:


This is of course the most important part of the text message. You need to have innuendo in the text. Something all the line of “Which panties should I wear” and other things that might hint to something other than just dinner. You never know what a man likes until you ask him. That is the beauty in communicating with men. You don’t need to do a lot to grab their attention. Innuendo that is planted in the right context can go a long ways and mean a lot of things.

Short and Sexy

Men do not want to spend a long time reading text messages. That is mostly the reason why if you have written a long text full of nonsense, you have not received one back yet. It is hard to do this sometimes, but it remains the most necessary tool to keeping the interest of the man.

Create Sexual images

It doesn’t take much to get men to think sexual images from the things that you say, but when you text, you need to be able to say the right words that are going to create that sexual image because you don’t have the help of your voice here. That is why choosing the right words that are going to sound sexy when you write them too will work out for you. There are many things that you can say if you look around.

It doesn’t have to be over sexy with your comments. A simple remark that can be taken as such is enough to create all these aspects in the text message. You can easily accomplish your goal if you only focus on the right words to type. You don’t have to stress over whether or not he is going to take your words to heart. You will be able to get the message across and it is up to him if he is going to pursue it. Good luck in your texting and always remember to have fun with it.