Drug Abuse – When it Reaches the Point of no Return

Drug Abuse – When it Reaches the Point of no Return

Drug abuse, naturally enough, conjures up a locale which is rather the regular haunt of the addicts. A person may take to drug abuse for a number of reasons like peer group pressure, psychological pressures, or simply for the kick that the habit gives to the user. And, when the person keeps on repeatedly consuming the item(s), drug abuse assumes serious proportions.

However, a person is not deemed an addict unless the person demonstrates certain symptoms which are very typical of the ailment which is progressive by nature. Hence, if a person consumes too much of alcohol or for that matter drugs or even if the general state (physiological and financial) of the person is sliding, in proper medical terminology that person is not at all an addict. This is because these symptoms are mere predictable signs of the ailment but none of them in itself pertains to the disease of addiction.

Drug abuse has assumed alarming proportions across the globe what with the drug barons forcing the grassroots peddlers or their main conduits to entice the youth to fall into their pit of no return. There are also copious instances of nondescript shops selling drugs to school kids and all in the disguised forms of sweet toffees or candies. With time, these children find it absolutely difficult to come out of that vicious cycle. Hence the utmost attempts of the concerned authorities to nip in the bud all such moves to rope in the new generation into the drug abuse closed circuit.

Many western tourists frequent the Asian countries to get their hands on such natural drugs like bhang which is exotic to those places. In fact, the Golden Triangle encompassing the South East Asian countries of Myanmar, Thailand and the subcontinent has long been one of the main sources of the global narcotics substances.

Drug abuse alters the brain’s main sites known as the receptors. Regular drug abuse can definitely change the brain’s sensitive cells and even prevent the brain to utilize the necessary nutrients. These receptors are the primary units for transmission of vital information. Drug abuse further stops the brain from also recognizing the information highways made up by chemicals. The information is transmitted by surges of electricity. Drug abuse strikes this very pillar of mankind’s information technology. Therefore, repeated drug abuse changes the brain’s chemical layout, and even clogs the vital channels of information. The most dangerous aspect of drug abuse is the irrevocable damage caused to brain’s cell.