Are Women’s Soccer Cleats Any Different With Men’s Soccer Cleats?

Are Women’s Soccer Cleats Any Different With Men’s Soccer Cleats?

Soccer cleats for both men and women come with the same basic elements. They all have projections on their bottom parts for stability and traction and they are all designed to allow quick, fast movements or even sudden direction changes during play. Most brands concentrate on men’s soccer cleats, but because this is not a game that is limited to men, a number of footwear manufacturers also offer soccer cleats for women and kids.

Every kind of player deserves the best when it comes to play gear and the same is the case when it comes to soccer. Women players are just as deserving as men players and it is for this reason that the market also has very good soccer cleats for women too. Even though they use the same technologies, there are a few elements that set women’s soccer cleats apart from those for men. They are what makes it possible for players to tell the difference between soccer cleats designed for men and those designed for women.

Colors – Modern designs come in a wide range of colors to suit both genders. Whereas every player is free to select a color that matches their individual preferences, those designed for women will usually be in color schemes that are more feminine such as yellow, purple and pink whereas those for men are usually in green and blue colors. The colorful ones are very popular today because of how confident they make the players feel when wearing soccer cleats they love especially in expressing their personalities. There are so many other colors suitable for both genders including black, whites and oranges.

Sizing – Naturally, men tend to have larger feet compared to women in size and width. Women who prefer wearing men’s designs may need to go a size or a size and a half lower to accommodate the natural gender difference. Different brands design it differently and offer them in sizes relevant to gender. You will find most designs for women appearing smaller compared to those designed for their male counterparts.

Biomechanics – Usually men tend to place more weight, pressure and force on lateral forefoot and mid-foot especially when making rapid direction changes during play. This can result to increased risks of fractures especially on fifth metatarsal because of their natural built. The same effects may not be as extensive when it comes to women. For this reason, the biomechanics of soccer cleats designed for men may differ a little from those designed for women, especially in offering more support and stability so as to keep the chances of injuries minimal during play.

Women may be flexible in choosing soccer cleats they find most comfortable. They can choose to stick to those designed for them or choose from the men’s category. Men on the other hand are not as lucky and may need to stick to what is designed solely for them to have the most enjoyable and safe play possible.