Enphinate: Hip Hop Has a New Name

Enphinate: Hip Hop Has a New Name

Not many artists initially emerge with a sound that is of a sophisticated eminence in comparison to some of the more solidified artists that have been successfully running the show for years. Nonetheless, Enphinate has arisen from the depths of unknown talent and has materialized into the realm of highly regarded lyricists in relation to hip hop. After listening to his debut album Extinct , many will be stunned by the overall superiority of his work. "Lyrical prodigy" and "accomplished producer" accurately elucidate his style.

Enphinate has only recently been exposed to the publicity of the music world. However, he is not new to music or life. The twenty-seven year old artist has seen enough of life to have a knowledgeable grasp on society as a whole which is clearly depicted in his music. Songs such as "Dreamer" and "Broken Land" radiate an essence of realism, verbally displaying the life of "the streets" and the issues that plague the economy. Bearing this in mind, his tenacious lyrics are met with elaborate beats that suit his lyrical prowess.

Though Enphinate's style is one that is all his own, many people have compared him to significant artists; Common and MF DOOM seem to be the sole subject of resemblance. His silky voice is comparable to that of Common, while his stanzas are similar to one of the most well-known underground rappers, MF DOOM. All the same, Enphinate draws no emphasis from these comparisons.

In an interview, Enphinate was asked about the state of hip hop. "Hip hop is alive and well," stated Enphinate. "The only problem is that it doesn't get the exposure it deserves, and it hasn't for years. Commercial rap is played constantly on the radio which does nothing more than fill the heads of our youth with filth continuously; money, women , cars, big houses. That's not what life is all about. My only hope is that more artists will realize this flaw and adapt. "

Hip hop has been criticized since its birth but increasingly over the past few years. A vast majority of listeners and critiques say that rap has become trivial and shallow, lacking content and substance. Though this is a fact, Enphinate is contributing to the role of many talented scholars of hip hop by breaking away from the mold and achieving a high level of music that cannot be mistaken for anything other than splendid underground hip hop.

Enphinate's debut album Extinct features over twenty songs that are all worthy of a great many repeats, an unfathomable doing that has not been accomplished in quite some time. With the advent of Enphinate, we can expect to see good things happen in the genre of hip hop for years to come.

The vital songs are too many to list, but a reduced catalog is as follows: Price is Write, Immigrant, Respect, Codex, Rapper Stones, Metro, Kickflip, Bam, Awakening, Punch, and Aspirin Pills