Book of Eli

Book of Eli

Why this Movie?

This was a film picked by Denzel’s son. He has a pretty good track record: Training Day and American Gangster. His son was searching for spiritual scripts and thought this story was a perfect film to explore spirituality. Denzel agreed to do the film since his son has made good decisions in the past.

Better Than Avatar?

A lot of people on Twitter are saying this film is better than Avatar. I suspect this has much to do with the evangelical, post apocalyptic earmarks that preachers can easily find in this film; that coupled with the fact that the prized possession in this film is the Bible.

Walk by Faith and not by Sight

This film personifies the Christian walk of faith. The entire film is one where a man must journey towards a place of restoration. It is later revealed that he is literally making this journey by faith and not by sight – because he is blind. When he reaches his destination, he is able to recite the entire Bible. Even though he does not have the physical Bible with him anymore, he knows it because it is in his heart and mind.

Faith is Everything

What I find most intriguing about the film is the interview Denzel had on the Today Show. It is encouraging that someone with so much influence in Hollywood admits to reading through the entire Bible three times and says that he believes that his faith is everything to him at this point in his life.

written by

Chester Elijah Branch