Reduce Blisters On Toe Tops With The Right Soccer Cleats

Reduce Blisters On Toe Tops With The Right Soccer Cleats

When toe joins sit up high they become susceptible to getting blistered after long periods of wearing tightly fitting soccer cleats. Because it can be hard to change how the toes are structured, it would be best to ensure that you select the right pair of soccer cleats so you are able to reduce the chances of developing painful blisters that can make it hard for you to enjoy any game.

Soccer is a game that involves lots of walking and running constantly exposing the toes to risks of blistering. When out looking for the perfect pair of soccer cleats, pay attention to your toe joints so you select a pair that offers you comfort and proper cushioning to keep the chances of blistering low. Below are simple ways of keeping the blistering on toe tops on the bay.

Think about the toe box depth. The toe box should be sizeable enough to accommodate your toes to avoid blistering. This means that you must ensure you get the right fit when making your selection. Because it is given that the toe box will always have a part that is shallower, consider tying laces firmly so that you keep feet from slipping into this part exposing them to blistering.

Choose a flexible upper. Soccer cleats come made from different upper material. The material your pair is made from will determine the kind of flexibility you have. When choosing the materials for the uppers, pay attention to flexibility, especially around the toe box. The more flexible the material the more comfortable your toes remain even with a tight fit. Rigid materials pressing onto the toe joints will rub them the wrong way leaving you with blisters.

Pay attention to the seams. The construction of your soccer cleats should also matter, especially when you are looking to minimize the chances of blisters. Seams can add to the risks of blistering, especially when they are prominent around areas where the toe joints lie. Choose a pair whose construction does not include the prominent seams so that you do not expose the joints to the rubbing that results in blisters.

Change toe posture. The clawed posture of the toes can be for varying reasons including deformities. If it is however possible for them to be straightened consider having them straightened. You can use a podiatrist to encourage straight posture using things like stretches, orthotics and other devices. Toe props can also prove beneficial in filling the space under the toes and preventing too much bending so you can enjoy a better safer fit.

Take protective measures. If there isn’t much you can do about the toes and still want to stay free of blisters, consider protective measures. You can for instance, consider taping the toes to minimize abrasive rubbing. Players can also use a silicone gel toe sleeve to cushion the prominent toe joints and at the same time absorb shear that leads to blisters. Choose a toe cap that your soccer cleats can accommodate or choose a blister prevention patch that is less cumbersome.