Sexy Asian Lingerie Set

Sexy Asian Lingerie Set

Every relationship needs a little spicing up in the romance department once in a while. We all know the go-to formula by heart. Cook or order in some romantic eats as a preamble to steamier activities, turn on some romantic music or take a bubble bath together, and of course bring some sexy lingerie into the mix.

However, there eventually comes a time when even the solutions to stagnancy and boredom get a little boring themselves. That’s when it’s time to look for fun, interesting twists on old standbys. Why not plan a romantic evening around Asia sometime? It’s fun, it’s exotic, and it’s sexy!

Start with a meal straight out of the Orient

Research recipes that revolve around classic Asian favorites and be sure to include all of your man’s favorite flavors! You can order in, but if you’re handy in the kitchen, your special someone would probably appreciate you making the meal yourself. Serve him dim sum or sushi by candlelight along with some sake or a selection of Asian beers or wines. Feed each other or role-play to add an extra dash of romance and spice to the mix.

Set the mood

Ambience is very important when it comes to romance! It really pays off to make a note of the little details. For instance, be sure you have the right music on hand. Try some moody string music by artists like Yo-Yo Ma or a CD of traditional culture-specific melodies. A stop at the flower shop to pick up some Asian flowers or scented candles will help make the whole evening even more sensual for both of you.

Make sure to look the part

No sexy themed evening would be complete without the right lingerie to wear under your clothes or to slip into at bedtime. Sexy Asian lingerie is hot, hot, hot right now thanks to the popularity of Asian film exports, anime, Oriental cuisine, and Asian culture. Whether your style is fun and flirty or sexy and sultry, there’s an Asian lingerie look out there made just for you.

Try choosing your outfit to fit a specific role-play scenario that you work out beforehand. Maybe you and your man want to play geisha and samurai. You’ll find there are a wealth of geisha-inspired lingerie looks on the market, as this is a popular fantasy! Not into role-playing? Focus on the sensuality of different fabrics instead and select something gorgeous in Oriental silk or soft velvet for tactile appeal.

Whatever you decide, an Asian-themed evening is bound to spice things up as it touches on concepts that are romantic, sexy, mysterious, and intriguing all at the same time. Find out what a little innovation can do for your romance!