5 Things You Need To Be A Rapper

5 Things You Need To Be A Rapper

So you want to be a rapper, huh?

More and more people are becoming interested in making that move to the hip hop stage. Ask most teenagers who Jay Z, Lil Wayne or Kendrick Lamar is and they can not only tell you who they are, but can probably recite a few of their lyrics. From the young kids to the middle-aged hip hop heads, the music is enjoyed by the world. If you turn on your television you’ll undoubtedly see a commercial with a rapping honeybee or a burger company trying to sell its latest culinary creation utilizing the art form. Hip Hop has become a global presence and brings in billions of dollars annually. What was once thought of as a hobby is now, for the most part, accepted by the world as a legitimate form of entertainment.

But what goes into making a hip hop superstar? What does it take to make it big? What tools should you be acquiring in your quest for global hip hop domination?

Here are 5 things you absolutely need in order to get to your dream:

1. A hunger for history: The average hip hop artist (that is of any significance) knows their hip hop history. They study hip hop as a culture and they learn where the music was started. Most rappers usually have a favorite that inspires them and motivates them in being the best they can be.

2. A strong desire to learn: Contrary what some people would have you believe, hip hop artists are extremely intelligent people and they study a lot. It takes many pieces of paper and empty pens to learn how to utilize the English language and exploit it for profit. Not only do you have to study Basic English but you also have to study trends in street speech and slang. You have to develop the ability to memorize complete songs. And hip hop songs are not like your typical songs. Rappers are masters of intonation. They have lines upon lines upon lines of words that rhyme, have double meanings, need to be emphasized, etc… Your memory is always on public display.

3. Tough Skin: A lot of people are going to like your stuff. But a whole lot more people are going to hate it. In fact, you’ll be turned down by record companies so much that it feels like the whole music industry is against you. But don’t worry about that. It comes with the territory. Go into your room and cry if you have to. Take a day or two off. But always get back up again. Rejection is something that you’re going to have to accept. Remember, even Jay Z and Kanye West have been turned down before. And we haven’t even gotten to the numerous disses and lyrical battles you will undoubtedly have. You have to be a warrior.

4. Skill: This is perhaps the biggest tool you’ll need. Study your craft and put in the work. Get a dictionary and a thesaurus. Try walking around and making rhymes out of anything you see. If your rhythm isn’t too good, try working on it. Most hip hop artists have started out as DJs or making beats on a Casio Keyboard. Do whatever you need to do to develop your rhythm. Pick your favorite artist and try having an imaginary rap battle against him or her. Set a goal of writing 3 raps to your favorite songs per day. The skill will arrive in time. But you need to do it daily and try to never take a day off.

5. Love: If you’re coming into the hip hop game to be a music mogul, you won’t make it. There has to be a genuine love and respect for the art form. Think about this… Jay Z has 13 number one albums. Do you know how much love he has to maintain in his heart for the art form in order to get to that level? Financial success and wealth is a byproduct of hard work and dedication. If you’re coming into hip hop with anything other than that, it will show.

Hip Hop has a lot of room for individuals that respect the culture, the art form, and themselves. It’s what you put into it. If you give a little bit of work, you’re going to get poor results. But if you’re serious and you give your heart and dedication, you’ll be successful. You could be the next Eminem.