Quarterback Coaching and QB Training

Quarterback Coaching and QB Training

I am a former NFL Quarterback that played for the Buffalo Bills and today I want to talk about quarterback training. Specifically about Quarterback Speed related to playing football.

I recently spoke with my good friend and former college roommate at Northern Michigan University Steve Mariucci. He was one of the commentators on the NFL Network that that was making comments about how fast or slow the quarterbacks were at the NFL Combine.

He stated qb speed is not as important at the NFL level as it is in high school and college. He did say what is important for quarterbacks is there ability to have enough speed and quickness to move in the pocket and if necessary to make a blitzing linebacker or a defensive lineman miss you on a pass rush!

In the NFL with the amount of money they are paying quarterbacks, Matt Ryan a rookie got over 50 Million Dollars in 2008, you can not have your qb running the spread offense and running the ball! Yes you need to throw out of the shotgun, but there is no owner in the NFL wants there starting qb running the spread option like Tim Tebow.

If you look at the list of quarterbacks below you will notice the top four quarterbacks that will be drafted in the NFL 2009 upcoming football draft Stafford, Sanchez, Freeman and Davis not one of them has blazing speed! But they all can make defensive players miss and can move in the pocket!

Fastest Quarterback:

  1. Pat White from West Virginia 4.5
  2. Steven McGee from Texas A&M 4.58
  3. Mike Reiley from Central Washington 4.71
  4. Rhett Bomar from Sam Houston State 4.72
  5. Matthew Stafford from Georgia 4.81
  6. John Parker Wilson from Alabama 4.85
  7. Mark Sanchez from USC 4.88
  8. Nate Davis from Ball State 4.93
  9. Josh Freeman from Kansas State 4.95
  10. Chase Holebrook from New Mexico State 5.05

For more Quarterback Coaching Information go to the website listed below.