Contemporary Fad: Street Wear

Contemporary Fad: Street Wear

From Techno tonic, through Hip-hop, or gangster bling-bling; clothes are an expression, within the design of the word.

How the clothes communicate ideas in a way that continues to progress fast? Fashion is steadily renewing itself to the point where it becomes senseless to say the word fashion!

Street wear can include many fads at once. An everyday fashion for young freedom-loving, and belonging to a group that shares the same dreams.

The "Street Wear", translated literally street clothes, is a sign of acceptance to a group, community, neighborhood, or culture. It may even be for art designers, or people who seek to innovate, giving free rein to their imaginations.

It is obvious today that new styles of music help create each time a new cultural trend, marked by a new dress "look", a signature of originality, no less creative. It goes even further by appropriating a way of dance, behavior or thought.

It is an expression-made to facilitate the accession of the masses, commonly young people.

It must be remembered in this context generation Hippie, Punk, or Smurf, which date from the years of 1970 and 1980. These movements are taken by young people or even adults, who want antithetic or rebel vis-a-vis the common forms, or tell conformists.

Fashion by definition is the fashion cons, that is to say that she is against any kind of rigid and dormant creation, whether dress or otherwise. Fashion is light, fresh as the gentle river of life, but he can fathom all new spheres of imagination, and it does not necessarily please every time, everyone.

The fashion trends are extremely social phenomena, they are manifestations of ideas and aspirations expressed or implied in a crowd. But beware these days of commercial nature of some forms of which are pronounced cultural mode, but are designed simply for profit.

This makes the job even more challenging for those that must accessories these garments, bags , ties and watches that would match the most evil of creations. Like twitter, fashion helps us explain what we think, who we are and the way we are feeling today.