How To Say To Keep On Doing Something In Spanish

How To Say To Keep On Doing Something In Spanish

In this Spanish lesson, I will show you how to say “to keep on doing something” in Spanish or how do you say “to still be something” in Spanish. You can use the verb “seguir” with a progressive construction to say “to still be doing something” or “to keep on doing something”

Por ejemplo (for example)…

Sigues comiendo cordero?

Do you keep eating lamb?

Sí, sigo comiendo cordero.

Yes, I keep eating lamb.

El ladron sigue raponeando a la gente.

The thief keeps pick-pocketing people.

El jugador de fútbol sigue sudando.

The soccer player keeps sweating.

Ellas siguen cargando sus libros en una mochila.

They keep carrying their books in a knapsack.

Seguimos agarrando la pelota.

We keep catching the ball.

La araña sigue atrapando las moscas.

The spider keeps trapping the flies.

La batida sigue regándose.

The milkshake keeps spilling.

Note that in any many parts of the Spanish speaking world the “gente” say “el batido”

but in Colombia the “gente” say “la batida.”

Una hebra (de hilo) sigue colgando de mi gorro.

A piece of thread keeps hanging from my cap.

Note that in many parts of the Spanish speaking world the “gente” say “la gorra” for “cap,” but in Colombia the “gente” use “el gorro” for “cap.”

The word “la gorra” does exist here in Colombia but “gorra” refers to a thick hat that may be made of “lana” (wool) or “algodón” (cotton) or another material that is warm enough to protect one from the cold.

This concludes today’s Spanish grammar lesson.