How to Deal With Compliance Tests From Women

How to Deal With Compliance Tests From Women

Guys who are in the modern dating game are more than familiar with what are affectionately known as tests. While they may be the bane of your dating life, they are still a necessary evil at least in the mind of many women. Have you experienced the test yet? If so how did you do? Would you like to know how to get past this line of defense every time? Stick around, and be prepared to be amazed!


The first thing on your agenda is understanding why women tend to administer these tests. What is her goal or what does she hope to accomplish? The answer is really fairly simple; she is attempting to weed out the deadbeats who are coming on to her. Of course, the exact motivation will vary a bit depending on the test administrator, but you can bet she is looking to protect herself from disappointment at the very least. Women want to know you are the real deal and not some douche who will mess with her world. She is testing for quality, for example:

Are you are real man?

Do you go after what you want, do you have drive?

Are you just after “one” thing?

Can you be trusted?

Are you masculine?


Resist the temptation to resent the tests; after all, if she is testing you she is thinking you could be dating material. If a woman has already determined she would never date you, there is no point in conducting any tests, bad or otherwise!

So what do these tests look like? Well, they can be questions or statements, but both are geared to determining who you are as a man. For example:

You are only after one thing- she wants to know if you are just looking to get lucky and if you are trustworthy. A possible response could be: “How did you know I needed the number of your Pilates instructor!” This absurdifies her statement and lets her know you are not worried about her tests and are on to her game.

You are not my type- she is pushing you away and something about you must definitely be her type! With this kind of test you may be best served by agreeing then making an absurd comment such as- “Wow, we at least have that in common, I guess we should cancel the wedding arrangements”

I bet you say that to all the girls- she wants to be different and not just a pick up, but that does not mean you should stroke her ego. Instead, lean over and whisper seductively “but on you its working!” You have called her on the test and escalated sexual tension in one fell swoop.

Why are you talking to me? – This is a girl who is tough; she is constantly approached by men and is attempting to scare off the weakest links. Respond with something like “you looked interesting from across the room, so I figured I would find out if your personality matched your looks”

Test Out

Can you ever become a guy who never has to test again? Possibly, marriage usually does the trick quite nicely! Seriously, though you can at least get to the point where tests are fewer and further between. One way to successfully accomplish this goal is to become the type of person who does not need one. You do this by living your life purpose and enjoying your masculinity. Women want to feel secure and free to be feminine, which is something they cannot do with weak willed men. It will be your job to let your masculinity, self-confidence and purposeful life show women you have already passed the test!