Stop Anxiety Attacks – What Causes Anxiety Attacks and Do I Need Drugs to Make Them Stop?

Stop Anxiety Attacks – What Causes Anxiety Attacks and Do I Need Drugs to Make Them Stop?

Dealing with anxiety can be very difficult. If you have ever suffered an anxiety attack, you know that it can be a very traumatic experience. This condition may cause many different symptoms, such as dizziness, a racing heartbeat, tightness in the throat or chest, a tingling sensation in the arms or legs and of course the main symptom is uncontrollable fear and worrisome thoughts. But what exactly triggers panic attacks?

Although the mechanism is not completely understood, a hormonal imbalance is thought to be behind this disorder. It seems that your body produces too much adrenaline, because it perceives something as a threat. That could be a noise, a smell or an image.

So the first thing you need to do is to identify the triggers and remove them from your environment, if possible. You Don’t Need Drugs To Stop Anxiety Attacks. The only thing you need to do in order to live a life free of panic is to gain control over your own thoughts and expectations. If you leave this condition untreated, it can lead to serious mental disorders.

The good news is that this is a treatable problem.

Unfortunately, most people try to cure this disorder using methods that only rarely work, such as:

  • Medications: it’s true that the majority of doctors and psychologists will prescribe medication, but the only thing drugs can do is to slightly reduce the frequency and intensity of the problem, without actually eliminating it. Also they leave you feeling lethargic and the list of undesirable side-effects is very long: dry mouth, nausea, weight problems, sleeping problems, agitation, constipation or diarrhea and more. As you can see, drugs can cause you more discomfort than the condition they are trying to treat!
  • Deep breathing exercises: this is a very common advice but what people don’t realize is that during a panic attack you already have trouble breathing. The whole point is to prevent the attack from happening in the first place, because if it starts there is almost no way to stop it.

So, what does work?

There is a very effective method that will help you eliminate the root cause of this disorder and not just the symptoms.