Can Alcohol and Drugs Make You Impotent?

Can Alcohol and Drugs Make You Impotent?

When it comes to erectile dysfunction, men are often surprised to discover that they are no different from other men. Their concerns are shared by many and unfortunately, when it comes to impotence, their numbers are growing. When a man does not pay attention to his erection problems, the end result will be erectile dysfunction. Another term for this condition is impotence – which is defined as the consistent or recurrent inability to obtain or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual performance. It is now estimated that 34 percent of all American men ages 40-70, which is about 20 million men, suffer from a significant level of impotence. That means that millions of men are unfulfilled in the sexual area, and a good many of these men are living lives of quiet desperation.

The treatment landscape for erection problems gets more crowded each day as new therapies become available. Even so, the growing number of treatments does not solve every males problem. Every treatment seems to work well for some men, partially for others, and not at all for some. In addition, even though a medication may have the desired result, the side effects may force the patient and doctor to stop using it and look for alternatives. There is a long list of prescription medications that can interfere with sexual function. If you are taking a medication of any sort and are impotent, consult your physician or pharmacist to determine if the drug could be responsible. If it is, work with your physician to get off the medication. For most common health conditions, natural medicine or lifestyle changes can be used to produce a safer impotence treatment.

Most men know from experience, use of alcohol can definitely affect sexual response. Alcohol has a powerful effect on your body and on your sexual response. Too much alcohol can depress your nervous system, dampening your tactile senses and short circuiting internal messages that are needed in order to achieve an erection. For some men, even limited consumption of alcohol can cause erection problems. Others may experience erectile dysfunction only after consuming large amounts of alcohol. Chronic alcohol abuse causes damaging effects on general health that ultimately may lead to sexual dysfunction..

Impotence occurs in all men at one time or another. If the condition is experienced on a regular and persistent basic, it is referred to as chronic impotence and represents a medical problem that should never be ignored. The good news is that there a healthy lifestyle, with adequate amounts of exercise can help you avoid impotence altogether. Before beginning on any exercise routine be sure and consult your physician.