How to Feel Sexy When Sex is the Last Thing on Your Mind and Why Older Women Should Keep Trying

How to Feel Sexy When Sex is the Last Thing on Your Mind and Why Older Women Should Keep Trying

Are there beautiful older ‘sexy’ women? Feeling as if we are beautiful while being older women and sexy too is hard! Sometimes it all just seems to close down, isn’t it true? There is a certain dullness that sets in and we just don’t feel like embracing sexuality in our daily lives. Yet, it is a part of us, ignore it or not.

How to feel sexy when things just feel flat. It’s a daunting subject when you feel settled with who you ‘think’ you are at fifty, sixty or even seventy. Why bother we think at times, isn’t it true? In the latter years we often lose touch with that side of ourselves. Wrinkles, excess pounds and cellulite that has settled in, kids long gone, and life just changes. Our personalities are oft times created by things outside ourselves and we embrace them because they are pleasurable, but also maybe because it just feels safe and next experience in line.

Many women claim that at fifty and after, they feel a certain confidence about themselves and consider themselves free…finally. I believe that is true, but I also think sexuality is put on the back shelf. It just feels easier and maybe safer somehow.

If you pay attention to the media ‘too much’ your confidences are often deflated and if you are like me at all, you might feel like a figurine on the shelf, dust collecting, as the world whizzes by you. Television especially tells us that if we are not in our early 20’s, we are past the age of desirability. We are permeated with the concept that men ‘only’ look at young women and that is just the way men are.

There is no denying that men are visual, but I don’t that ‘all’ of them are mindless. My goodness I sure hope not!

We ‘are’ sexual beings and our bodies are designed to feel pleasure, it is who we are and to deny that part, is to deny a part of our own identity, shutting it down and believing what the media tells us.


So lets feel sexy (again)!!

How to is the question at hand.

I personally think it is a state of mind, yes a simple mind set. Here are a few ideas:

1) Learn to flirt again! I am not ready to be put on the shelf! No way! I embrace the idea of feeling sexy as I talk in a somewhat flirtatious manner. Remember flirting? Not to worry, I am not suggesting you start coming on to your friends husbands, don’t misunderstand. I am suggesting that flirting with the idea of feeling sexual and being ‘playful’ and ‘girly’ can be fun and not all that outside of the box. Create that ‘attitude’ and it will become you.

2) Consider changing your hair. That is a fantastic way to reinvent yourself and get past the dullness. Maybe a little longer so the breezes can touch the ends of your locks, reminding you that the wind is as free as you can be.

3) Reconsider your wardrobe and get the heck out of Sears!

4) Exercise, diet and do it for YOU!

5) Get your toes done, even if only every six months.

6) Reconsider your make up. Are you still wearing it the same way you did when in high school? Sounds funny but you know that many are.

7) Watch your walk… connect with that ‘graceful’ side and rethink your stride.

8) Rethink your stride in life… YOU are important and your sexuality is a genuine part of who you are as a woman. Be the rainbow you long to know.

Feeling sexy as an older woman is right there within your grasp…It’s an attitude.