The Age Of Aquarius – Part 1 David Icke

The Age Of Aquarius – Part 1 David Icke

In David Icke’s first book ‘Truth Vibrations’ which I just finished reading he puts forward a rather controversial viewpoint that Jesus Christ did not actually die on the cross.

I had never heard this before, but the author suggested that many people believe that the water which was passed up to Jesus on the cloth when he was close to death was in fact dowsed with a drug – like substance that caused him to pass out – a bit like an anesthetic. This would make him unconscious and seemingly dead. Icke claims that Joseph was a wealthy man and bribed the authorities to let him have Jesus’ body to bury him. Jesus’ body was then taken down from the cross and taken to the garden of Gethsemane where healers and medicine men worked on his recovery for 3 days straight, when he then let it be known to his followers that he was alive and well. The theory is that Jesus then spent the rest of his life traveling incognito and gently passing on his teachings.

Whether this is true or not I do not know. However, what interests me about this is that a completely fresh angle is given to the purpose of Jesus’ life. As a man whose love for the World and for mankind was so incredibly strong he was the teacher and the leader that was called to touch his potential and he is still very much alive today as an emblem of love and faith.

Icke says that in fact humanity would not have survived without this great teacher, who came to Earth at the start of the Piscean age to show us the true power we have inside of us as loving, divine beings who have a connection to our Creator that we must nurture.

He told us that we are loved by our Heavenly Father. He showed us how we could love our brothers and sisters on earth. He showed us that we are love and that is what we have come from, why we are here and what we are.

We were made in God’s image. Jesus the man taught us that as human beings we are capable of doing many things that we might fear are not possible. And he showed us that the power of our Spirit can over-ride the weakness of our flesh, and that we are so much more than just a body, we are a heart and a soul.

We are now entering the Aquarian age. We are witnessing mammoth upsets in the world. Natural disasters are on the increase, and we see our mother earth suffering and damaged. How can we be more loving, even when it seems like so many people in the world have given up?

Well we can start by just simply starting to love ourselves again. Forgive the past wrongs and hurts done to you and that you feel you may have done to others or to yourself. Make your peace with it, and release the past. You have a purpose on this earth and are special and unique. You are loved and have been created from love. God knows even how many hairs are on your beautiful head; doesn’t that thought just make your eyes fill with tears? That is how much you are loved and you must learn to love yourself and accept yourself on a deep level. Only then can we love and accept each other.

‘You must be the change you want to see in the world’ Gandhi