Tyler, Texas – Home to the Nation’s Largest Rose Garden

Tyler, Texas – Home to the Nation’s Largest Rose Garden

Images most often conjured up when one thinks about Texas is one of southern drawls, oil derricks, big cars, big hats and big steer with long horns.

Y’all haven’t visited East Texas. It is not the desolate landscape of old western movies and wayward calves only sometimes take off through town. Amidst this sometimes rough rugged lifestyle lie lush gardens teeming with fragrant roses.

Tyler, Texas, the economic and population hub of east Texas, has an industry that just might impress and surprise those that have formed a solid opinion of what/who a Texan is.

Tyler grows about 20-percent of America’s rose bushes, packages and ships about half, is home to America’s largest rose garden and hosts a phenomenal rose festival every October. That’s a soft and sweet side to east Texas.

The Tyler Municipal Rose Garden Center is home to about 500 varieties of roses, 38,000 bushes and rests on approximately 14 acres of sweet smelling, vibrant grounds. When you visit bring your notepad and take notes, there’s bound to be a species you fall in love with.

During the annual rose festival the roses are showcased at their best. The Rose Festival Parade showcases ornate and creative floats utilizing the lovely and vibrant flower. Tourists and locals alike participate in the festivities that typically take place during such an event, and, everyone is welcome to visit the rose garden, many of the area’s larger rose fields where color and aroma are sure to inspire you.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a master gardener, rose connoisseur, or just want a pleasant stop on you’re way through east Texas. Tyler, Texas has earned its somewhat surprising title as Rose City USA for hundreds of wonderful reasons including the heritage garden that is home to 50 species of antique roses, the test garden where the next perfect flowers are tested for two years to meet a variety of requirements before being offered to the public and of course the remaining gardens.

The Tyler Municipal Rose Garden Center is open from dawn to dark every day and admission is free. It’s not far from Interstate 20 at 420 Rose Park Drive in Tyler, Texas.