Our National Security Depends on DoD 8570

Our National Security Depends on DoD 8570

Who all knows what DoD 8570.1 is exactly? If you work for the armed forces, a local national or a contractor that has access to tot DoD information, then you know exactly what it is. DoD stands for Department of Defense while the 8571.1 stands for the directive that requires all military personal, contractors and local nationals that has access to privileged information, to be certified through the American National Standards Institute.

Now wouldn’t you like to know everything that goes on behind the walls of the Pentagon? Most people would love to be privy to the information that armed forces personnel are privy too. But, national security reasons, most average citizens will never know what goes on behind those walls.

8570 training consists of certifying personnel in the knowledge of principles and concepts that will be used to protect sensitive DoD information. This includes the networks and systems that in information is stored on also. The IT training that privileged employees receive will ensure that the information, that is vital to our nation’s well being and safety will never be compromised, fall into the hands of the enemy or breached in any way, shape or form.

With 8570 training and certification from the American National Standards Institute, we as citizens of the USA should feel a sense of security that our nation’s secured information shall not and will not fall into the wrong hands.

There are companies that offer training in the 8570.1 directive which includes CBT training. Online training, videos and CD’s are modes of training with most done at your pace. They are self study lessons that can be done right on your own PC. Many come with interactive lessons and tools to help you prepare for the big exam. The 8570,1 training can be considered IT training, in a sense, because some of the same applications are studied between the two, as far as computer applications and hardware are concerned.

There are certain levels of security and the 8570.1 directive differentiates between the levels. All 8570 training programs are set up to offer you the course you need according to your level’s needs.

For the safety of the people of the United States, we as citizen’s should feel protected that our government has put a program in place that will ensure the nation’s security and keep our country out of harm’s way!