5 Yoga Breathing Exercises for Driving

5 Yoga Breathing Exercises for Driving

Getting stuck in a traffic jam is stressful, and it drives you mad. You may be wondering what you can do while sitting down on your car seat, hands on the stirring wheel, and eyes staring at the street. Yoga breathing techniques can actually help you regain your energy, and will calm you down. The following are 5 yoga breathing techniques that you can learn:

1. Breath of Fire (Agni-Prasana)

If you want to increase your energy when you drive, breathe of fire yoga technique is very effective. Basically, Breath of fire is a Kundalini yoga technique or serpent power which is a corporeal or libidinal energy. Libido or Libidinal energy is an energy source arising from sexual impulses. Breath of fire focuses mainly by inhaling air into your lungs and is then pumped out rhythmically without causing any tension to the chest, rib cage and abdominal muscles. You can start with long deep breathes and as your lungs are wholly expanded immediately exhale and immediately inhale again.

2. Cooling Breath ( Sitali Pranayam)

If you are hot-tempered, this is the perfect Yoga exercise for you.This breathing exercise helps cool your body while you are in the midst of traffic. The initial step is to take 3 deep breathes by inhaling and exhaling through your nose and then roll your tongue by curling the sides forming a hole in between. Inhale through the hole of your tongue and exhale through the nose. You can do this several times until you can feel the cooling effects. Cooling breath relaxes you body and calms you down.

3. Bellows Breathing (Bhrastika)

Considered the most powerful yoga breathing exercise, Bellows breathing helps relieve fatigue due to long hours of driving. This breathing exercise can re-energize your body. You can do short and rapid rhythmic breaths through your nose with this breathing exercise. Bellows stimulates energy and when it is regularly practiced, it improves your energy throughout the day.

4. Three-Part Breath (Dirga Pranayama)

While you sit and drive for long trips, you may be experiencing shallow breathing. This can affect your heart and lungs due to insufficient amounts of oxygen. Three-part breath technique allows you to exhale and inhale completely. If you can breathe deeply, your oxygen intake increases which can relieve you from stress and fatigue. Do not attempt this breathing exercise if you have asthma or respiratory problems without any proper guidance of a qualified teacher.

5. Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Sodhana)

This type of breathing exercise provides oxygen and balance to the left and right hemisphere of your brain. The left hemisphere is the thinking brain and the right hemisphere is your feeling brain. When your thoughts and feelings are joined together it makes you more alert when you are driving. Do not do this while you are on the road since you will be using one of your hands to cover your nostrils.

The practice of yoga dates back to ancient times, when people relied solely on nature and the gods for calmness and peace. Meditating and being one with yourself and your environment is a spot-on way to relax your mind, even if you are caught in a traffic jam. By learning yoga, you are learning an effective coping strategy to manage stress.