Do You Want to Know How to Defend Yourself Against an MMA Fighter? Get Rid of This Mistake First!

Do You Want to Know How to Defend Yourself Against an MMA Fighter? Get Rid of This Mistake First!

Do you want to know how to defend yourself against an MMA or UFC fighter? Actually, this is a common concern for many.

The problem is that, unless you’re cornered by an MMA fighter in a dark ally – you’re not in a self-defense situation in the first place! I know how confusing that sounds. It’s confusing because there are far too many so-called self defense experts out there trying to sell you martial arts classes or peddle their latest book, video or training course, who use the term self defense in a very misleading way.

My point here is this:

If you voluntarily entered into a match with a mixed martial arts fighter – knowingly and willingly – then you are not in a self defense situation. You are not looking for self defense training – you’re looking to know how to fight!

And, here’s a very important secret:

There’s a huge difference between a fight and a real world street self defense attack!

This is a common misunderstanding in the world of self defense training. But…

  • if you’re really going to get the critical, life-saving lessons to defend yourself
  • if you’re going to be able to use your skills and still project maturity, professionalism, and concern for others in your life who may suffer as a result of your actions, instead of acting out of an immature need for glory, an inability to control your anger, or a warped sense of pleasure from hurting other human beings

Then, you must understand this critical difference!

Sport martial arts are not self defense training – that includes MMA fighting.

Tai-chi is not self defense training – at least not the part that most people practice.

Hell! Even most self defense programs aren’t really teaching street self defense!

That’s not to say that these people can’t protect themselves. What it means is that, if you want to learn how to “defend yourself” against an MMA fighter – or anyone for that matter – you need to be clear about what is and what is not self defense!