An Introduction to Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

An Introduction to Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

Tapout! And UFC's The Ultimate Fighter are among the reality shows which are becoming more and more popular, alongside the decline in the viewership of conventional boxing. All this tells us that the appeal of Mixed Martial Arts is great and is drawing in an increasing portion of the American public. MMA leagues are popular around the world. Japan's Pride FC and US based UFC have some of the most exciting fighting in the world to offer. With new tournaments and new leagues popping up seemingly by the day, this is a sport which is sure to continue its rapid growth. What is it about Mixed Martial Arts that people just can't resist?

Mixed Martial Arts – The Basics
Cage fighting is the form of mixed martial arts which is most popular in the US, while in Japan opponents square off in a standard boxing ring for MMA matches. While MMA fighters wear thin gloves to protect their hands, most do not wear shoes at all – those who do opt for wrestling shoes. How many rounds comprise each match, as well as the length of a round are dependent on the rules of the league, but most matches are three or four rounds. There are so many different fighting styles used by MMA fighters that every match is unique; and this is one of the biggest reasons for the runaway popularity of MMA.

The Rules
While a mixed martial arts bout might look like a wild free for all, there are some rules even here. Head butting, eye gouging, kidney punches and blows to the back of the head are all against the rules. A match may be ended by referees if a fighter is knocked out or rendered unable to fight, if a fighter suffers a serious injury or if a fighter taps out.

Mixed Martial Arts Fighting Skills
The typical MMA fighter is trained in several fighting styles. While anybody with some training in a fighting style can enter a tournament, those who have studied three or more styles have the best chance of success.

1) Stand-Up Game
Like a kickboxing match, MMA matches begin with the two fighters facing each other while standing. They fight with their knees, feet and fists until one fighter is knocked out or one takes another one to the ground, beginning the ground game. Boxers and Muay Thai fighters excel at the stand up game and will usually avoid taking the fight to the ground if at all possible.

2) The Ground Game
MMA fighters should have some ground fighting skills or they can lose an otherwise evenly matched bout. Many fighters, especially boxers are untrained in ground fighting, but jujitsu fighters are in their element here. On the ground, the fighters try to beat their opponent by punching them until a knockout or the referee steps in, or by pinning their opponent in a submission hold until they are forced to tap our, forfeiting the match.

Whether it's wrestling holds or knockout punch action you're looking for, you can find it all in every MMA bout.