The Ugly Deceit and Horror of Religion

The Ugly Deceit and Horror of Religion

People go to church believing that they are serving God when in reality they’re victims of 666. My reincarnation and link to the Spirit of the Universe happened for a reason. Between lives a vision showed me that at age of 45 years my work would commence to overturn religious lies. At that time the power of the Spirit came upon me with such force I could not move a muscle and it commissioned me to “tear down the wall of churches.”

In several visions following this that wall was shown to me as a monstrous barrier to the truth. It is composed of lies, fear, hate, and human stupidity. It is impenetrable and it blocks the Spirit and changes the nature of God into a man who was supposedly ‘killed’ by the Romans. The story is incredulous and those without any spirituality easily fall for it.

They are the ones who promote images and dead things as reality. Since that order was given many miracles have happened to people as the Spirit led me to them with healing. The power exudes forth like water dripping from my hands and diseases, broken bones, addictions, and other conditions can be healed in seconds.

The religious gods cannot do that and when the pope declared that a nun had achieved the status of saint it was almost laughable if not tragic. How many swallow the lies and are then filled with deadly components to create cancers and other diseases from which there is no cure. The Church, however, always has an excuse as the poor fools kiss their idols and pray again for a miracle from a dead person whom they are brainwashed into accepting as a god.

Millions have memory or at least an inkling of reincarnation, which was outlawed by the Church during the 5th Century because it conflicted with the lies. Job 5:19-22 states that we reincarnate seven times. We are at the end of the day and the prophecies for this time are coming about.

The first of these is the creation of the Mountain of God (Micah 4:1) that has all people flowing to it and through which these words go out to the world. God has a great controversy with all nations and organisations (Jeremiah 25:31,33) and is doing it through the Internet, the greatest miracle of all time.

The last days will see conflicts that are so powerful the world as we know it will end. The wicked are already being given to the sword (as stated in that prophesy) and the earth is burning. During the 1980’s vision after vision was given to me of what is about to happen and the horror of it was too much to bear. It is written in prophesy (Jeremiah 29:17,18) and while the religious preach of a forgiving and merciful God they have not read these words.

When the wall falls completely and the lies are exposed the true ugliness and horror of religion will be shown. It is all the work of 666 who is the second beast of Revelation 11:4,5. The two candle sticks standing before the earth are Mary, the sun, and Constantine who established the Roman Catholic Church in the year 325 based on the Islamic religion of Babylon.