The Modern Hunting Crossbow

The Modern Hunting Crossbow

Many people are now using hunting crossbows instead of a conventional rifle for a variety of reasons. For many hunters, it is not just a matter of going out and shooting something. There has to be a challenge and using a hunting crossbow does give that extra difficulty and enjoyment to the hunt.

Of course in many areas, hunters are able to enjoy a longer hunting season compared to that for rifle hunters and being able to get out into the woods for longer does give the crossbow a lot of bonus points.

There are many different types of crossbow available now with models that can suit all budgets. Some of the more expensive ones can now cost well over $1000.

A lot of modern crossbows are extremely powerful and obviously very dangerous. Because of the high power, for many people they become very difficult to load the string into the firing position. For this reason, many hunting bows have a mechanical device that can draw the string back into position with little effort.

To ensure accuracy when shooting the crossbow, it is important to cock the weapon with the string held at the exact middle of the bow. If not, the arrow, or bolt, will not fly straight and true to the target.

This is not only a problem of accuracy, it is extremely dangerous if your bold doesn’t go where you want it to.

Although generally easier to aim and hit the target than a conventional longbow, the hunting crossbow is not as accurate as a rifle. Although they are powerful, the bolt velocity is nothing like that of a bullet and so it will take some practice before you can consistently hit the target.

Whether you use your bow for hunting or just target practice there is a whole different feel and enjoyment to be had from shooting a modern powerful crossbow to that of a rifle. Don’t be surprised if you become addicted to getting out into the woods every weekend.