The Man of Sin Is Revealed, The Son of Perdition

The Man of Sin Is Revealed, The Son of Perdition

The prophecy states that the man of sin will be revealed in the last days. No surprise then that it has now happened. So what and where is this prophecy and who is the one it calls out. The answers took many years of research while visions that followed my reincarnation and link to the Spirit of the Universe, the real God, led me to them. As the facts came to light so did the extent of the difficulty in exposing them.

A series of visions and requests began many years of work in the Spirit to find the answers. The first request (commission) was to tear down the wall of churches. The next was to take God off the cross and this was followed by words standing up in front of my eyes which read CONSTANTINE IS 666 in large capital letters.

When the first commission was received a vision showed my face on a screen. The year was 1984 and it was a long time before the Internet became a common resource. In fact, I was completely ignorant of it. Now, however, my face is on computer screens, mobile phones, tablets, and every other screen when people tune into my web sites or read my articles.

So what did Constantine do and why is he the one with the number 666. It took me many years to completely resolves every question in relation to him and the fallout of his reign as a Roman Emperor. Once it was clear from all aspects it was time to publish the results.

That couldn’t happen unless sufficient background could also be explained. What came to light was the ancient language that holds the origin of religious beliefs, how they were formed into the Islamic religion of Babylon, and the role of others in refining what men considered appropriate forms of worship.

To support those findings my next commission was to test it through academic studies and disciplines that included archaeology, anthropology, linguistics, and philosophy. All are part of the human brain processes and development. What is laid down in ancient cities buried in the earth for thousands of years and in the words people speak today is past behaviour.

Caught in places where they could not be changed and cannot now be protested against is irrefutable evidence that proves conclusively that Constantine is the man of sin and this prophecy has been fulfilled. We are at the end of our time on earth.

“… For that day shall not come except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed ‘the son of perdition.” 11 Thessalonians 2:3