Why Only Dream Interpretation Can Help You Keep Your Mental Health Forever

Why Only Dream Interpretation Can Help You Keep Your Mental Health Forever

There are many ways through which you can retain a part of your mental health, but only dream interpretation will help you wholly preserve your mental health forever.

The unconscious mind that produces dreams tries to help you achieve balance by protecting you from the invasion of the wild and violent content inherent in your anti-conscience, which is your primitive conscience that has not evolved through consciousness. It remains wild and evil as it was at the time of its creation.

By interpreting your dreams, you will learn how to recognize the thoughts that originate from the anti-conscience, since it constantly invades your human conscience. The anti-conscience provides several apparent solutions for your problems that are actually traps, but they appear as solutions to you.

You believe that these thoughts are your own-you think that they are from your conscience. The thoughts that originate from the anti-conscience are not yours, but you hear them in your mind with your own voice because the wild anti-conscience is a part of you that is ignored but active in your psyche and is always trying to destroy your human side.

This truth is tragic, because it means that you have an enemy within yourself and that you don’t know when it is dominating you. It is your anti-conscience, although you ignore its content.

For example, when you are nervous and you start shouting, your anti-conscience is surely dominating you and causing your violent and aggressive behavior. However, there are times that the invasion of the anti-conscience cannot be perceived.

The anti-conscience is an actor. It pretends that it is you, i.e., it pretends that it is part of your human conscience in order to persuade you to make serious mistakes in your life. Thus, it can imprison you in the labyrinth of craziness when you have to face the tragic consequences of these mistakes.

The anti-conscience is responsible for the tendency of self-abuse and provokes schizophrenia, psychosis, hysteria, neurosis, panic attacks, anxiety and suicidal tendencies.

With such an enemy in your own psychic sphere, you have to be very careful and treat your psychological problems without delay, or even before they start appearing in your behavior. It is certain that you will have psychological problems at least at a certain point in your life. You carry inside you a bomb that can explode at any time, depending on the conditions in your life.

This is a danger you believe you know that exists, but you are not aware of how near craziness you really are.

Unfortunately, the craziness inherent in your anti-conscience characterizes your psyche. You are already crazy since birth only because you have this schizophrenic content inside you. When it manages to completely destroy the human side of your conscience, then you become completely schizophrenic as well, or psychotic, hysterical, etc., depending on the level of the anti-conscience’s invasion and the degree of destruction of your human conscience.

Thus, if you wish to preserve your mental health forever, pay attention to your dreams and take notes, so that you have a complete image of what is happening in your psyche when you analyze your dream collection.

Perhaps you don’t want to write your dreams and you don’t really believe that your occupation with dream interpretation is really so essential for you.

Even if you don’t wish to study your dreams, I advise you to learn how to interpret your dreams with the unique correct scientific method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung. I continued his research in the unknown region of the psyche and simplified Jung’s method.

You must at least learn what the anti-conscience means and how to protect yourself from its attacks and invasion, the psychological types and how to completely develop your human conscience and consequently, become a genius.

Some day, a very impressive dream will make you really want to translate its meaning and this is when you will realize how important dream interpretation can be! There are a few very important dreams with many archetypes (ancient and general dream symbols) that make the dreamer desire to tell the dream to everyone because he or she feels its importance, although he or she cannot understand its meaning.

You must learn how to translate the dream symbols. I simplified and explained Jung’s method better, and discovered many more symbols to help you in this matter.

Unfortunately, the wise unconscious that produces the dreams cannot send you messages directly understandable by your human conscience, because then, these messages would also be understood by the anti-conscience that would distort the dream’s meaning. This way, you would not have any help from the unconscious that is trying to preserve your conscious mind.

Dream interpretation is the unique safe and guaranteed method of psychotherapy that exists. The real doctor is the wise unconscious that regulates the functionalism of our organisms and everything else in our world. This is natural medicine, based on the development of the atrophic psychological functions of your psychic sphere. They belong to the anti-conscience but they have to be transformed and acquire human characteristics, so that they will help you in your life and preserve your mental health, instead of provoking you problems.