Why, So Much, Abuse Of Power, And Government Waste?

Why, So Much, Abuse Of Power, And Government Waste?

We've had enough, and we're not going to take it, anymore! These memorable words, from the movie, Network , articulate. how, so many Americans, currently feel, and believe. While some feel, This isn't normal , the feelings of many others, are far more extreme, and concerning! It seems, to many of us, we are witnessing, a degree and level, of never – before, seen, abuse of power, and government waste! While, there has probably, always been, a degree of this behavior. it appears, it is being displayed, currently, in an, in – your – face , unremorseful manner. Shouldn't we, demand, those we elect, to serve and represent us, focus on the common good, rather than prioritizing, their own, personal / political agenda, and self – interest? With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 6 factors, that may be, at least, partially, significant factors / causes.

1. Cronyism: While our leaders, need to be surrounded, by individuals, they trust, and believe in, it should also, be required, these people, also, should be the best qualified! There are significant reasons, there are numerous prohibitions, and limitations, imposed, and, historically, respected, about avoiding, even the appearance of nepotism! We are currently, witnessing, a degree of cronyism, which we've never witnessed, before, and, when, one's daughter, and son – in law, hold significant roles, in an administration, despite not being able to obtain full security clearances , the door, to potential, conflicts of interests, and / or, worse, becomes opened, wide!

2. Campaign financing: It should come, as no surprise, the way, political campaigns, have been financed, creates potential conflicts, and influences! The 2016 Presidential campaign, is a prime example, based on the many reports of potential misbehavior, related to how the Trump campaign, raised and used these funds, and who contributed them!

3. Politics, instead of planning: We see, far too much politics, when we need better planning! No leader's primary focus, should be, on their political ambitions, and personal, self – interest. There have been, numerous reports, in the past two years, the current occupant of the White House, often, goes into meetings, unprepared, which, potentially, creates a situation, where decisions are made, with a lack of thorough, quality judgment .

4. Shifting priority: Many are challenged, to clearly, indicate, what the priority, and / or, philosophy of President Trump, is! Other than his rhetoric and promises, it seems, his planning is a mish – mash , more based on political expediency, than the best interests of our nation, and citizens!

5. Lack of long – term, sustainable planning: Putting a band – aid, on a serious wound, may, temporarily reduce the bleeding, but doesn't solve any challenge, and come – up, with a viable solution! When, the President looks, merely, for a short – term, fix, when we need, relevant, sustainable planning, may, probably, be caused, by an emphasis on current economic gains, rather than the longer – term, bigger – picture !

6. Refusal to think, outside – the – box: Until / unless, we demand representation, rather than partisan politics, we will continue, witnessing, public officials, who, prioritize, proceeding with the same – old, same – old, ways , when we need, some, outside – the – box, emphasis, and thinking!

Wake up, America, and demand, better representation! Hold public officials, responsible, for abusing their power, and government waste!