Illegal Aliens Are the Ones Paying All the Taxes?

Illegal Aliens Are the Ones Paying All the Taxes?

Well the amount of BS and rhetoric sometimes on the Internet is amazing. When I go online each day to look at what is being said with regards to illegal alien and immigration issues sometimes I am dumbfounded by what I see. Indeed just today someone claimed on a Blog that the poor and helpless Illegal Aliens are the ones paying all the taxes?

I am not sure what to say to the gentleman who stated this, but indeed he is probably repeating it from somewhere else. When I did finally address the issue the gentleman fired back; “Well Mr. Economic Genius, tell us since there are 24 million illegal aliens now in the country, don’t they pay taxes? And what about all the illegal aliens working in the fields you moron?”

Ah well two things really to comment on. Number one; I am not an economic genius but I did receive a email letter back from the Former Fed Chairman Greenspan on an Allegory I wrote about the flow of money.Meanwhile, we have guest worker visa programs and grandfather agricultural clauses to allow for companies to go pick up busloads of people who desire to work in the fields in the United States. In fact if you will remember Caesar Chavez, his concern was people be housed and treated fairly when coming here to work and they are and we now have a system for that. And anyone who treats or exploits field or agricultural workers will be imprisoned. So as far as that is concerned we have dealt with the agricultural issues without problems and have a mechanism for that too. Consider all this in 2008.