C E Ferulic – So How Does it Function?

C E Ferulic – So How Does it Function?

One of the more recent new age anti aging products to take the spotlight is C E Ferulic. It’s also sometimes referred to as the super antioxidant and for good reason. That is that ferulic acid alone, is one of the most powerful antioxidants available today.

How Does C E Ferulic Work to Eliminate Free Radicals?

However; before you can begin to understand how a product like this can keep your skin looking young, you have to understand just what are and how they age your skin. You see antioxidants like this product function by eliminating free radicals.

Free Radicals Get their Power From Oxygen Atoms

Free radicals are certain types of molecules that get their power from oxygen atoms. So now your thinking that oxygen is good for you. After all, isn’t that why we breath in air? The fact is that oxygen is required by your body, but only if it’s attached to red blood cells.

Oxygen Oxidizes and Dulls Things: Even Your Skin

You see oxygen on its own is very damaging. It can turn peeled fruit brown in minutes, rust steel overnight and oxidize a cars paint job to a dull finish in a few short months. The fact is that oxygen riding on molecules does the same to your skin.

Free Radicals Must Be Stopped Before They Cause Damage

It ages it and will leave you with a dull wrinkled finish too, unless you do something to head off the free radicals that are continually being produced in your system. Understand that unless they are stopped, their only way out is by damaging a cell.

Powerful Antioxidants are Your Best Solution

This is where antioxidants come in and a powerful antioxidant like C E Ferulic is your best option also attracted to antioxidants and the more powerful the antioxidant is, the faster and more effectively it will draw in and neutralize them before they can damage skin cells.