Town of Many Earthquakes

Town of Many Earthquakes

The quiet, destitute town of Moodus, Connecticut, is a place filled with tranquility, if you don’t mind the constant noises from earthquakes. For several centuries, Moodus has had an abnormally high rate of earthquakes. As many as six or seven earthquakes are reported in a single day.

There are many types of earthquakes that occur in Moodus, it ranges from small to large. The majorities of the quakes are very small and does not cause any significant impacts. Typically they cause grumbling sounds that last about 30 seconds followed by a slight boom and trembling on the ground. Residents of Moodus often compare the sounds with noises emitted from freight trucks or the clattering from thunders. When the impacts are on a larger scale, they tend to shake beds, shatter windows, and rattle dishes. In 1791, Moodus suffered a more severe earthquake that destroyed many homes.

Moodus never kept a record of earthquakes until 1979 as there was no equipment readily available. In 1981, the device showed that Moodus was experiencing earthquakes that occurred nearly 500 times in just a 3 month period, more than anyone had realized.

There are many theories and different opinions about why so many earthquakes occur in Moodus. According to scientists, earthquake occurs in a zone along fault lines. These are ridges, or cracks that run deep into the earth. But strangely, no such faults have been discovered in Moodus.

According to early folklore from the Wangunk Indians, the first settlers who arrived to Moodus in the 1600s claimed that the rumbling sounds came from the god known as Hobomoko. They believed that Hobomoko was outraged that the English settlers did not worship him, so he shook the earth. The Wangunk claimed that Hobomoko resides under a mountain in Moodus. As strange as it sounds, it is the same mountain that scientists believe was the epicenter of the earthquakes.

In the 1700s, a geologist from England claimed to solve the mystery behind the earthquakes. He believed that the earthquakes were caused by glowing rocks that are found scattered throughout the base of the mountain. As the geologist was sailing back to England with the rock, his ship slowly submerged into the sea and sank. Legends say that the glowing rock still emits a bright light from the depths of the ocean floor. While Moodus is known to be the town with many quakes, the reason behind the earthquakes still remains unknown.