Gas Prices Are Skyrocketing Again!

Gas Prices Are Skyrocketing Again!

After a few months of declining oil and gas prices, our wallets are being stung again. Yep, gas prices are skyrocketing again, and this time we must fight back! There seems to be a contradiction as to why prices have risen in the past 30 days. On the same day Iraq announced it may need the United States to stick around because the declining price of oil was making it financially difficult to rebuild, a strange thing happened. Oil prices began to rise again! Of course, gasoline was quick to follow. We are lucky here in the Ozarks. Our gas prices are usually among the lowest in the country. Even so, a 50 cent rise over a 30 day period is ridiculous! Sure, the Memorial Day weekend always spikes prices a little bit, but 50 cents a gallon? This is strictly greed causing this increase, and we have to take some action.

Last year there was great interest in learning to make your car use water as fuel. Of course, running a car on water alone is still not possible, but using water to create a catalyst is very real, and very effective. The do it yourself HHO boosters can increase gas mileage by 20, 40 and even 60%. Sometimes even more! Now, this may not be like getting gas for free, but it sure creates a nice savings. The only way to drive down gas prices is to buy less gas. Low demand is the only thing oil companies seem to understand.

You can easily use the power of water fuel technology to run your car. By installing an HHO conversion kit to your car you will increase mileage, help clean up the environment, and save several hundred dollars over the course of the year. This technology continues to improve, and it is to a point where using HHO as a catalyst is considered 100% safe for any car or truck.

With gas prices skyrocketing again we just have to do something to get big oil's attention. By installing an HHO conversion kit to your car, you will cut your gasoline consumption drastically. If everyone would do the same the demand for gasoline would be so low the oil companies would be forced to lower their prices!