Easy Fixes for Bad Teeth

Easy Fixes for Bad Teeth

Teeth problems are stressful and devastating. It could make one feel unsuccessful and ugly. You can get emotional with having bad teeth especially for teenagers who are more conscious on how they look. Bad teeth can be obtained naturally through birth or through accidents and injuries. Whatever the causes are, the result is still not good. Somewhere, somehow you feel that you have to get rid of those bad teeth. The desire for having perfect teeth probably was influenced by the personalities you have seen on television or perhaps it is within you that needs change. How you look at your bad teeth relies on how you take steps on correcting them.

Dental procedures depend on the condition of your teeth. You can select from the options your dentist can provide for you. The cost of each treatment also relies on how easy and difficult it is to treat your bad teeth. For stains on the teeth, you have options from home treatment to cosmetic dentist procedures. The most after procedure is teeth whitening or bleaching. There are two varieties; the in-office and the home-treatment mouth trays. Of course, each differs on how they were done and the effect may also vary. But the desired outcomes are the same that is to have pearly white teeth. They are safe and worthy to spend with.

For damaged, cracked, or chipped tooth, veneers are commonly suggested. There are composite resin and porcelain veneers. Each has their own advantages and disadvantages. They are relatively safe and effective. Veneers can make the treated too appear as natural as like the other teeth. Porcelain veneers for instance, can withstand the crushing and grinding of food. They also last for a long time. Another use of veneers is that they can also perfectly aligned the teeth and close any gaps in-between teeth. Veneers are attached on the exterior part of the tooth or teeth and they are very thin almost invisible. Porcelain veneer is more expensive than composite resin.

Misaligned teeth are treated with braces or other aligners. Braces are placed for long period of time even years to make the teeth align well. Nowadays, braces have different colors to choose from. It has become part of fashion style. They can be annoying especially when eating and hard to clean. The good thing is that there are aligners that can be used instead of braces. They appear hidden and less bothersome. Tooth or teeth that are impossible to fix can be replace with implants. Implants are custom-made so they appear natural. It is not painful and it is safe to have implants.