Can I Get a FBI Background Check Done Online?

Can I Get a FBI Background Check Done Online?

Ok let’s get started on the FBI background check. There are two effective ways to get this information. One way is way different then the other as one is only used to look up your own FBI records. Remember that the federal government does not usually offer the best quality services.

First is the personal FBI criminal background check offered directly from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This is the criminal check you can only run on yourself. If you require this to be done through the Federal Bureau of Investigation for jobs, military, or any other reason then this the right one for you. You will need to visit the website to get the forms and the details of what needs to be mailed in with the forms. You will have to pay $18 to get the report, but it will be marked with an official seal from the government. The package will require your fingerprints, address, full name, and so on. This will take up to 12 weeks to get the results.

The next option is to find a website online that offers a FBI background check on people. These types of websites better for looking up on other people and they are much faster. You can literally get a criminal check done in seconds flat with these places because the companies that run them have billions of federal, criminal, and court records filed away in massive databases. If you want to use this service simply go to Google or any other search engine and type in criminal background check. This should bring you the kind of sites you need.