Achieving a Pretty Vagina

Achieving a Pretty Vagina

All women strive to have a pretty vagina, whether it’s for their own self-confidence or to be more attractive for their significant other. In order to have a pretty vagina, you have to focus on both health and physical appearance. Not only the vagina, but the vulva as well, is important in the overall beauty of the female genitalia. You can easily increase the prettiness of your vagina with a few simple steps.

Having a pretty scent

Although scent isn’t something you can see, it’s an important factor in whether or not you feel confident about your vagina. A strong or unpleasant odor needs to be corrected before you can work on having a visually pretty vagina. Unless the smell is the result of an infection, all you need to do to give your vagina a pretty scent is to wash it regularly with a gentle soap. Believe it or not, your natural scent is actually attractive to most men, as long as it isn’t too overpowering. If your vagina smells good naturally, there’s no need to resort to scented products that can sometimes irritate the sensitive skin.

Pretty coloration

The color of your vagina depends a lot on what color the rest of your skin is, but there are still ways to improve your coloration and make it prettier. A pretty vagina has consistent coloring, meaning there are no odd blotches or unusual redness. These usually indicate that the vagina is irritated. To treat irritation, eliminate any feminine hygiene products containing harsh chemicals. If you’re sexually active, you’ll also want to consider the ingredients in any lubes or similar items you use.

The vulva

The vulva is the part of the female genitalia we see when looking from the front. It’s where the pubic hair grows, and this hair is where much of the focus is when it comes to what makes a pretty vagina. The recent trend is to shave or wax all or most of the hair off, but it’s completely personal preference whether or not you think this looks good. Some people prefer the look of hair on the vulva. If you do choose to remove any hair, there are many methods you can use to do this. Waxing is said to be the best option, but some women stick to shaving for convenience. This works just as well if you take the proper precautions to avoid razor burn, but doesn’t last as long.

The key to having a pretty vagina is simply to be confident in yourself. It doesn’t matter whether you prefer the natural look or the pristine, groomed appearance. As long as your vagina is healthy and you feel comfortable in your body, you don’t need to change a thing.