Three Great Minds Predict Mankind's Challenges With Future Wars

Three Great Minds Predict Mankind's Challenges With Future Wars

Many folks given just 'one wish' would indeed wish for World Peace, and most of us would consider this a noble and selfless wish for the most moral and empathetic amongst us. Still, one has to ask if this territorial and preditoral species, humankind, is even capable of a global peace or a world without wars in the present period or even 50-100 years off into future periods, providing we make it that far? The word war comes with it horrific images and fears, even if only 1% of all the humans who have ever lived have actually died in a war.

I'd like to explore the challenges of preventing war and protecting one's civilization from aggression. And before I dictate my own philosophy on this, let's look at what others in prior periods had to say about this, shall we?

1.) Einstein said; "You cannot simultaneously prepare for and prevent war"

2.) Karl von Clausewitz notes that; a nation which fails to provide adequate defense does so at its own peril.

3.) Sun Tzu predicts that if you have an overwhelming force there won't be any challengers.

Okay so, if one cannot prepare and prevent war at the same time, then how can one defend their civilization against aggression? You see, if you have a nation-state or civilization of value, then it is worth something to others, and they will attempt to take it from you. Of course, if you have a valueless civilization, no one wants it, so you might not need a strong defense. Since I'd like to discuss the United States of America, which does have value, we must assume it must be protected, or we will lose it.

But, then again if we do prepare for such potential eventualities of attack, then we are also unable to prevent war. Karl von Clausewitz also noted that if you know you are about to be attacked, you should attack first and thus, maintain the element of surprise, unfortunately in doing so your nation becomes the aggressor and other nations who don't want to yield to your political will must also prepare, and thus, the never-ending arms race, which past periods have shown guarantees war.

In the US we are a Super Power and thus, nations are less likely to attempt to attack us as per Sun Tzu's philosophical wisdom. Still, even if they don't attack that doesn't mean they don't want to or are not gunning for us, or willing to support others who have nothing to lose but to try and bring down the giant in a David and Goliath wishful thought process.

Due these paradigms and realities and where we are today, we have no choice but to continue to negotiate through strength and show overwhelming force to dissuade challengers – and unfortunately every once in a while when Battle Ship Diplomacy (Aircraft Carrier Diplomacy) isn't working , we need to stop talking softly and start swinging that big stick, just to remind everyone every decade or so that we are off limits.

In doing so we can maintain protection of our people and civilization, hopefully not at everyone else's expense, although sometimes that maybe inevitable. Think on this.