Why a Major War Is Overdue – Part One

Why a Major War Is Overdue – Part One

Every war has its casualties and none more so than the two World Wars of the last century. Millions died as a direct result of bombing raids and the other things that war brings about. Others died from starvation, interment in concentration camps, and as slaves on projects by the enemies. Millions more died in actual combat while on battle fields. All up the human cost of war is astronomical. Since then, however, the population has soared.

While wars are a way of lowering the population numbers it seems that they have not stemmed the tide of human population growth. This is a contentious topic as most think of human life as sacred. That isn't how God sees it, however, according to biblical prophecies.

Because of my reincarnation it is proof that all people have returned to life at this time. It is in the bible that this would happen (Isaiah 26:19) and that it is a time of judgment. We have lived six times before (Job 5: 19-21) and each time has been a testing ground for growing in the spirit, which is within us.

Each time we died we came back and lived according to what we did in the previous life. If we were persecuted we became the persecutors, if we were black we became white, and vice versa. Those who were killers are now seeing their children killed while they are suffering the consequences.

It's easy for the religious to pass these things over as fanciful, because they have no knowledge. But look around at the huge growth in population and at other signs. In Micah 4: 1 God promised that at the end of days a mighty mountain of knowledge would appear. It has, the Internet is bigger and greater than any other mountain around and everyone is tuned into it.

Now that we have returned and the groundwork is done there is a major war looming that is inescapable. Whether it starts with North Korea or a Civil War in the USA, even in the Middle East, the facts are we are facing the end. It will come by way of what the Spirit laid down in prophecies and it will be fast and furious.

"… because they have seduced my people, saying, Peace, and there was no peace: and one built up a wall and others daubed it with untempered mortar … I will even rend it with a stormy wind in my fury; and … an overflowing shower in mine anger; and great hailstones in my fury to consume it " Ezekiel 13: 10,13

We have witnessed the stormy winds in the form of cyclones, tornadoes, and super storms. The overflowing shower has taken the form of tsunamis that have inundated the land and wiped out millions. The great hailstones are bombs. In the days when these words were written they were described as such because no one knew about the death that comes from airplanes in the sky.

What God spoke about here is happening now. These are the warning signs that a major war is looming and death will follow for most of the human population.

"And the slain of God shall be at that day from one end of the earth unto the other … they shall be as dung upon the ground" Jeremiah 26:33

What has made God so angry that this is happening and why now in our time?