Are WE the Aliens?

Are WE the Aliens?

I have always held dear the idea of ​​keeping an open mind so long as its not so open that your brains fall out. I cannot and will not take credit for this particular little way of putting it. I paraphrased this from an old bassist in a heavy metal band known as Anthrax. His name Scotty Ian. More to the point, I am and always will be a skeptic with an open mind.

An important part of the way I choose to think, allows me to learn with relative speed and entropy. The most important thing to me in this whole process is this:

I am more often than not wrong and when I am sure of it, I positively force myself to admit it, both to myself and openly out loud to public awareness.

The benefits of this are huge and wildly important to attaining wisdom & understanding adding greatly to the face of knowledge.

That being said, I must admit that I was not at all intrigued with the idea of ​​alien life, primarily due to the fact that all the current inventory of my knowledge is already so unbelievable, I couldn't bring myself to add more to it . However, truth be told it is in anyone's best interest to believe the facts, regardless of how you might feel about them. In my opinion, this is the actual definition of ignorance. To know a fact and to deny and / or ignore it due to your personal preference and disliking of it.

I am not saying that any of what I write below is fact or even if I believe it or not. Just understanding the possibilities and the natural inductive reasoning behind the ideas.

I don't believe in everything someone tells me just because they are smart or have credentials either. My Philosophy Professor in College started his class with saying: "In this classroom you will be made to identify and entertain uncommon and unique ideals. If during any of the duration of this course I catch you rolling your eyes at something I present I WILL take it upon myself to drop you a letter grade. Seriously, I mention this at the beginning of all my classes so you can drop this class without any consequences.If you or anyone else for that matter have a problem with it take it to the board , I'M ON IT! "

I don't know why but that made me more than interested in his class. Many did leave, I am forever grateful I stayed in his class though, and will never forget the things I learned. Half-way through the course he passed out papers published as information regarding aliens, Harry Truman and the majestic twelve, hanger 18 and similar documents.

Shocked but forewarned, I took the material with a scientific approach and outlook. He then begins his lecture on the theory of time travel as postulated by HG Wells. It seems to be true, that though not possible by us yet, if ever time travel could be done it can only be possible to travel back in time and not forward to a future that is not yet in existence. All right, seems easy enough to comprehend. Then he hit me, us, I mean, the class with his understanding of it all.

I must say that I was thoroughly rocked solid. I have never entertained the idea of ​​Aliens before his lectures. They are convincing and work under the premise that WE are the aliens evolved. In our current stage of evolution we are losing our hair, our eyes are getting a little farther apart, heads getting bigger, you get the picture. It hit me like a ton of feathers.

He then goes on to explain that in the future WE get to the point of serious space travel and eventually break the time barrier. The theory holds, it is possible to travel through time only backwards and then returning to present time. That we evolved and flew our spaceships back in time to earth to "check up on ourselves" as he put it. One of the spacecrafts crashed and now we have hanger 18, Harry Truman and the Majestic Twelve. Secret twelve people all doctors of various subjects, involved in the study and experiments involving the spaceship and body found.

WHOA! I at first didn't know what to think but the documents he handed out were more than realistic, they were provided with our government seal. Not to mention worded with an unmistakeable American pomp of protecting the innocent. Sometimes you just have to take a breath and just let the information be absorbed.

The truth is that in my mind at least, it's a very good, heck more than good convincing argument. There were a lot more details that I will spare you, however one thing I will mention as it may help to illuminate the subject with some clarity.

The body they supposedly found was a hybrid. Not fully Alien yet not at all human like us. It, she (Female) had / has a really high forehead with long straight white / blonde hair, holes for (no) ears, black eyes with out pupils and bright red pubic hairs under the (lengthy) arms and between her legs. The imagery description written in the documents were that her skin was perfect and she was beautiful. At least to the person who wrote the data.

After the course ended, I never really spoke of it much only when someone spoke of it to me first. Even then I am not one to gossip about ET although I am a huge fan of Reese's pieces and always loved the name Elliot. It just goes to show nothing is certain and anything can be possible in a universe as 'finite as ours is limitless'.