Male Sexual Earthquakes – Men, Get Out Your Masturbation Richter Scale If You Dare

Male Sexual Earthquakes – Men, Get Out Your Masturbation Richter Scale If You Dare

When couples are married or together for a long period of time, their sexual activities together tend to become less frequent, less stimulating, and tend to become more and more "Ho-Hum." And why not? Is it not the same old song and dance? Together you've listened to this song thousands of times, and it truly does begin to lose its original rhythm and excitement. The grooves in the vinyl are still there, they've just been worn down from being played too many times.

Masturbation can get this way, too. However, there is less chance of it becoming stale and boring. The reason for this is that the person who is masturbating can fantasize about any person or sexual situation they want. This added bit of self-serving fantasy helps masturbation to continue way past its "pull date," relative to that of having sex with the same partner over long periods of time.

Another important concept in delineating the two is that when a person masturbates, they know EXACTLY what they need to do to get their bells ringing and sirens wailing. Even after having sex with the same partner for thousands of sessions, most partners still don't know the exact ways of pleasing one another to their fullest potential.

However, you do. That is, you know (for yourself) exactly what you need for your own ultimate form of sexual stimulation.

This is why masturbation holds its sexual dynamics for longer periods of time and doesn't get so boring. This is because, when one is masturbating, that individual is in COMPLETE control.

Imagine, now, what types of methods you use to masturbate? Consider what fantasies you enjoy the most. Ponder what devices you may have used in the past to increase the pleasure and intensity of orgasms through masturbation …

Now, ask yourself if you enjoy receiving oral sex. Most men do.

At this point, digest the thought of taking all the dynamics of masturbation that you know of; dynamics that you have honed and finely-tuned over the years …

Take this knowledge and experience and imagine applying this to oral sex you could perform on yourself. I'm serious. Stop and think about it for a moment.

It doesn't take a sexual Einstein to figure out that if one could orally stimulate themselves, that the potential for the most mind-blowing and extremely intense forms of sexual pleasure and orgasms would be available and on-hand anytime that person desired .. .

Orgasms so intense and incredible that they have to be measured on the Richter Scale.

Sexual Earthquakes.
Explosive Pleasure.
Nuclear Orgasms.

Can such experiences be described properly? No. One must experience them to realize their potential. It's like trying to explain to someone what falling in love is like. There are no words capable of explaining such experiences, feelings, pleasures, and emotions … True, too, such experiences are unique to every person, in their own special way.

Orgasms that are orally induced by yourself are impossible to explain to another person. In men they call this autofellatio. In women it is called autocunillingus. Impossible, you say? Absolutely not. Using simple Yoga postures and stretches and combining these methods with modern-day kinesiology makes such incredible sexual experiences available for men and women who dare to go beyond the limits of sexual pleasure.

With added knowledge, one can make such orgasms even more intense. The ancient Hindus had a name for orgasms and sexual power that can't even be measured on the Richter Scale. They called it Kundalini. That's what really separates the sexually weak from the sexually strong. It is surely something every person should experience, if they can handle it, at least once. Most people can't.