Horse Racing: The Basic Elements Of Profitcapping

Horse Racing: The Basic Elements Of Profitcapping

The basic elements of profitcapping are simple and easy to understand. Racing has two major divisions: profitcapping and handicapping. The former is to predict how much money can be made from racing when 100’s to 1,000’s of races are played by subtracting how much is invested minus how much is returned on and from that investment in a specific time period. First: how much is there in potential profit to be made? How is this found out? There’s a simple statistical method. But you must first know how much to invest to find that potential profit. First find out exactly how much to invest and how many races must be played.

Many players don’t grasp – value. Value is how much profit is there to be made and what you’re out to determine when you study the tote odds. To figure out how much each horse and each wager type will give out in the payouts. Whatever amount you wager has to be less than the payout to make a profit. Whether per race or over 1,000’s of races played.

Some of the main elements of profitcapping are:

(1) ticket format.

(2) base ticket price.

(3) difference: this is between the investment and sum total of payouts.

Also: (4) potential profit.

(5) multiplying base ticket price.

(6) ticket strength.

(7) ticket probability.

(8) tote odds fluctuation and drift.

(9) price.

(10) value.

(11) transition plan.

(12) money management.

(13) return on investment and much more.

Each one of those is crammed with details that’s needed as part of the game. Those who have been in the game for some time intuitively see that the game is in two main parts. So what happens when this is taken seriously and all the money matters are put to one side and all the picking and selecting horses aspects are put to the other side? What you get is much clearer picture.

One of the main rules of profiting is: track takeout, track breakage and track taxes are irrelevant. What matters is can profit be made from the payouts and how can a player get to that profit? There are many things that have to be learned and one of those is to see racing from a business view-point. There’s nothing complex about this because money is part of mathematics made simple or basic arithmetic. So to make money learn the details of whats needed in profitcapping by learning the basic elements of profitcapping.

Millions of dollars flows through the racing system per week and the best way is to know how much so you can get a sizeable percent of it. It’s possible when done right to get an average of 50 cent profit per dollar. To many players that’s not much but compare it to what they’re getting now which is nothing to near nothing. This is partially some of the basic elements of profitcapping.