The Real Women’s Movement

The Real Women’s Movement

When I was a little child, the ERA became a big issue in America. I remember my mother went door to door to have petitions signed AGAINST this women’s movement. I remember one of the opposing statements against the ERA was that if we, as women, were to become equal with the men of the world, we would have to step down. In saying that, I personally believe women and men are equal if they are kind, good, and honorable people. Each have individual and unique roles. But if the men these women want equality with are quick to evil, then to be equal, women would have to step down.

Does that mean I am against women? No, I am a woman, I am stalwart in my support of women. Does this mean I do not think a woman should have equal work for equal pay. No, I believe in equal pay for equal work whether man, woman, black, or white, respect should be given for equal work and equal pay. After that, what are the benefits of equality? What are some of these women asking for?

A real woman’s movement would not search out every area where they feel unequal to a man. A real women would search for every area where she could be a strength and uplifting to a man, a husband, a father, and especially to a child. She is not concerned about doing all that a man can do, she is concerned about doing all she can do to help the people in her life be better, safe, protected and raised with love and stability.

A real woman does not protest to kill her babies, a real woman protests to save her babies! A real woman protects, nurtures, and loves her children and guides them right. Women brought every person that lives on this earth into the world. Her role is a divine role and no real woman would protest for the right to kill any child. If you want to see the power of a woman, go after her children. She will rise up to protect them at all costs.

I have given birth to 6 children. One was a still born child at just over 4 months. There is not a person on earth who can convince me, a mother, that those babies are not individuals and alive in the womb. When I lost my still born, I went to the hospital before my baby died. There was still a heart beat when I arrived. I had to lay in the bed and wait. I knew, as that baby’s mother, when my baby died. My heart was broken and I knew that life had left the baby’s body. I felt it physically and I knew it spiritually. There is a living person inside of a mother the moment it is conceived, and real mothers know it. It is a God given obligation for every woman to protect her babies at all cost. It is degrading to call any group with a contrary belief, a “Woman’s Movement”.

A real woman is virtuous. Why stand, protest, beg and require respect from men when you are willing to hand yourself over to them without any thought of your personal virtue, then ask for the freedom to have an abortion if a baby is the consequence of that reckless behavior? That is undeserving of the title “Women’s Movement”. Real women are virtuous.

Congratulations to the ERA movement, it has made great strides in its efforts to obtain equality. Now, it is everyone’s right to cuss, spit obscenities, and leave home and family for someone else to raise your children. Now it is the right of all people to go to war and fight, to hold a gun and run at the opposition. And soon, our little girls will have the right to be drafted into war. America will be so safe with our teenage girls holding down the front lines with a gun in their cute little hands. Congratulations, you did it! All people have every right to their body and no matter what life resides in the body, you have a legal right to kill your baby. You have a right to go out and protest. I see you screaming obscenities, your behavior and posters are degrading to women and embarrassing. I saw one woman stand and flex her muscles and scream out, “I’m mad, I’m real mad”. She was little and it looked ridiculous, a man could flick his finger and knock her over. But, no matter, you are so free. You have stepped down. But, do not call your movement a “Women’s Movement” for it does not deserve the title.

Real women, are still focused on raising their children, fighting for the rights of their family and making this world a better place. They are focused on high moral values and doing what is right, kind, and good. Real women know their incredible value and do not need to degrade others to build themselves up. Real women are still here and in great numbers. As real women we are not in favor of the so called “Women’s Movement,” for it is a downward slope and we real women refuse to get on that slide.