Self Defense Products – Best Stun Guns For Nurses

Self Defense Products – Best Stun Guns For Nurses

I learned a lot about the nursing profession doing some research for this article. As a senior I have spent much more than my fair share of time in operating rooms and Doctor offices in the last ten years due to a litany of serious medical problems and probably close to 8 surgeries in the last ten years. So I got to know a few nurses.

Some of the things I have learned is that nurses are highly trained, dedicated professionals who work under very stressful conditions caused by shortages of staffing and widespread drug and alcohol abuse. That is inside the hospital.

Outside the hospital the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety reports that close to seventy percent of all hospitals are located in areas that have average or above average violent crime. This causes stress as well.

There is a constant threat of assaults, beatings stabbings, shootings and even rapes inside and outside the facility. Not exactly an ideal situation.

Hospitals and healthcare facilities are putting more emphasis on security with guards, metal detectors, and security cameras. That is a great first step. Many hospitals are teaching their nurses basic self defense techniques and arming them with small, powerful, discreet self defense products like stun guns.

Stun guns are hand held non lethal self defense tools that incapacitate an assailant for 5-15 minutes allowing you time to get hep or get away. They work by conducting an electrical charge that when applied for 3-5 seconds causes the body to overwork depleting it of all blood sugars needed for energy. The assailant can do anything. Poor baby!

The best stun guns for nurses inside and outside the workplace are:

1. The pretender-it looks like a camera cell phone but isn’t. Instead it is a 4.5 million volt stunner.

2. The runt-is very small but powerful at 4.5 million volts. Can be worn as a pager.

So take those self defense classes and arm yourself with the best stun gun for nurses.

When are you getting one?