Proper Attire For Skateboarding

Proper Attire For Skateboarding

Skateboarding is such a fascinating sport that it has been ranked sixth under the category of sports having highest number of participants. One of the reasons for it being so popular is the involvement of stunts in it. However, during stunts, the chances of unexpected falls are also there. So, while skateboarding, wearing proper attire becomes very essential for personal safety. The items included in the attire list for skateboarding are specially designed in order to maintain the comfort and safety of the skateboarders and these are different from the ordinary ones. Following is the list and description of some items that are required while skateboarding:

Proper Clothing: Proper skateboard clothing is very important if you want to enjoy your ride while being relaxed and comfortable. Your clothes should be such that you are able to balance your movements while skating. Loose fit pants with the bottom falling above the sneaker are recommended. Make sure that your pants fit well at the waist as a person not only looks odd while pulling up their pants; it also poses a serious safety hazard while skating. Your shirt or T-shirt should neither be too tight nor too loose.

Skate shoes: Skate shoes play a very important role in making your skateboarding experience comfortable and safe. Skate shoes are provided with a large flat bottom so that your feet are able to grasp the board in a better way. Beginners can buy the shoes having heel airbags and gel pads for additional security. Before going for a ride make sure that your laces are tied up properly because if they get entangled with the wheels, you might fall.

Helmets: Wearing a helmet while skateboarding is essential to protect your head from serious injuries. Before buying a helmet, see to it that it fits perfectly and you feel comfortable in it. Choosing the color of a helmet matching with your clothing will give you a smarter look.

Other safety gears: While practicing skateboarding, use of all safety gears is very important. Safety gears like knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, gloves, etc work to protect your specific body parts from the injuries. Knee pads and elbow pads are made from the soft and the superior quality fabric and are usually worn under your clothes. Choose these safety gears according to your body size.